Black Mesa & Lake Powell |
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Located entirely within the state of Arizona, and isolated from other railroads (meaning no
outside connections), the 78-mile Black Mesa & Lake Powell exists purely for the
purpose of transporting of coal between the Peabody Coal Company's Black Mesa Mine near
Kayenta and the Navajo Generating Station power plant at Page.
Construction of the BM&LP took place during the early 1970s.
In the interest of providing a more economical operation, the line was electrified (it was
the world's first 50,000 volt railroad).
Electrification allowed the company to avoid the expensive option of trucking in
what would surely have amounted to an annual total of millions of
gallons of diesel fuel; the locomotives instead receive their "juice" from overhead
catenary lines stemming directly from the power plant. General Electric produced six E60C
locomotives (a model unique to the BM&LP) for the railroad between 1972 and 1976.
To meet the needs of the power plant, the railroad's single trainset runs on a
near-continuous basis -- 24 hours a day,
seven days a week. The train usually makes three round trips daily between the mine and the
plant, although I have heard reports that on Wednesdays, only two round trips occur, as the
first shift reportedly does not work that day of the week. When I visited the BM&LP in
October 2000, the line was nearing the end of an intensive three-year track rehabilitation
project, performed by outside
contractors. The work included the installation and/or replacement of concrete ties at
several locations. So if you're planning a visit, bear in mind that maintenance projects may
disrupt train operations.
Something else to bear in mind is the impending retirement of BM&LP's fleet of E60C
locomotives. The railroad recently acquired several surplus E60 locomotives from Mexico; these
locomotives are in excellent condition and are essentially "new", having been stored
"south of the border" for many years after being built
decades ago for a Mexican electrification project which never fully materialized. BM&LP's
acquisition of the Mexican E60s will allow the eventual retirement of the older E60Cs.
Before entering service, however, the Mexican locomotives must first undergo numerous
modifications to ensure compatibility with Black Mesa & Lake Powell's operations.
One of the required modifications is the installation of a magnetic device to trigger the
lowering of the engine's pantograph when it passes beneath the coal loading tower at the
Black Mesa Mine. The locomotives must also be upgraded from their present 25,000 volt
configuration in order to achieve compatibility with Black Mesa & Lake Powell's
50-kilovolt catenary.
As far as accessibility for photographs, all of the photos on this page were taken from
publicly accessible areas and did not involve trespassing. BM&LP's trackage is
contained within the Navajo Indian Reservation in northeastern Arizona;
when visiting, it is recommended that you
respect property rights on the Reservation just as you would anywhere else, but that
doesn't necessarily mean restricted access to the railroad. Unless posted or gated, roads
in the area, both paved and unpaved, are generally publicly accessible.
Leaving the power plant at Page, the railroad goes underneath state highway 98 at the location
of the only highway overpass on the line (this spot offers a splendid view of an approaching
eastbound train with Lake Powell in the background; see Trains Magazine's January 2001
issue, pp. 48-49 for an excellent Howard Ande photo taken at this location) and then the line
meanders away from the highway. At several locations, it is possible to reach the tracks from
the dirt roads that criscross the Navajo Reservation. Watch for signs bearing numbers which
are posted along the highway at the dirt road entrances; the numbers refer to the nearest
railroad milepost to which the dirt roads provide access. A reliable vehicle and plenty of
water (especially during the warm-weather months) are HIGHLY recommended; this is some VERY
sparsely-popluated country. Not all dirt roads are passable at all times; be especially
cautious during periods following rain or snowfall.
Near Cow Springs, southeast of Kaibito, the railroad approaches US Highway 160 from the north
and runs parallel to it for approximately 20
miles before reaching the Black Mesa mine, the loading tower of which is located adjacent
to Hwy 160. This area provides the easiest access for hassle-free photography, but be sure
to avoid venturing onto the mine property at Black Mesa. BM&LP's actual right-of-way is
fenced along its entire route, and imposing cattle guards protect the tracks on both sides
of all public crossings. Not to worry, the photo opportunities available
OUTSIDE the fence are numerous (not to mention safer).
A few words about Lake Powell: Lake Powell was created in 1963 when the construction of
the Glen Canyon Dam west of Page was completed. It took 17 years for the waters of the
Colorado and San Juan Rivers and their tributaries to fill the lake to its present level.
Lake Powell and Glen Canyon offer ample opportunities for boating, fishing, hiking, and
camping; the entire area is known as the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and is under
the jurisdiction of the National Parks Service. For more information, consult
the National Parks Service's Glen Canyon page at or's History of Glen Canyon page at
Chances are, if you have occasion to watch and photograph the Black Mesa & Lake Powell, it
will be during a trip to Lake Powell or the not-too-distant Grand Canyon, and your activities
centering on the railroad will be but a small portion of a schedule which also includes
activities focused on the natural wonders of the region. But if you're
making a trip specifically to see the railroad, I recommend setting aside at least a day or
two to visit and explore Lake Powell and Glen Canyon. The scenery here, especially when
viewed FROM the lake, is spectacular.
I hope you enjoy the following photos; I took them during an October 2000 visit when
(unfortunately) the weather provided less-than-ideal conditions for photography. Still,
being several hundred miles from home and with limited time (and a forecast that didn't
promise for conditions to immediately improve) I attempted to make the best of it. I
hope you enjoy the results.
Please click on any of the following pictures to see a larger image:
All images on The Southwest Railfan © 2000 - 2004 by Wes Carr.
All rights reserved.
Wes Carr would like to thank the following individuals for their
assistance in providing information on the Black Mesa & Lake Powell:
Richard A. Stigall, Gary Stigall, Alan R. Burns, and BM&LP engineer Kel Bennett.