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Police Departments

Study XII

Each railroad has a separate police organization with headquarters at Youngstown for the Erie and Hoboken for the Lackawanna, each in charge of a Superintendent of Police. Under the proposed merger, it is recommended that a new organization be set up with a General Superintendent in charge of the entire organization of the merged company and with two district offices. The General Superintendent and his staff would be located at the new general headquarters in Cleveland. The Eastern District organization at Hoboken and the Western District organization at Youngstown would be headed by a Superintendant of Police. The system organization would be somewhat increased over the present organization but savings would be made in the staffs of the line offices, particularly at common points. The present and proposed organization may be summarized as follows:

   System                              Present            Proposed

  General Superintendent                                      1
  Staff Captain                           -                   1
  Superintendent of Police                2                   2
  Lieutenant                              1                   -
  Staff Lieutenant                        2                   2
  Lieutenant-Investigator                 -                   2
  Chief Clerk                             2                   3
  Stenographer-Clerk                      -                   1

                  Total                   7                 12


   Captain                                 7                   4
   Lieutenant                             20                  12
   Patrolmen                             124                  92
   Watchmen                               10                  10
   Gatemen                                 2                   2
   Sergeants                               6                   -
   Clerks                                  4                   4

                   Total                 173                 124

It will be noted from the above table that most of the savings in forces occur in the patrolmen category. The table below shows the present and proposed number of patrolmen divided between common points and otherss

Common Points                            Present         Proposed

  New York Piers                            34              34
  Hoboken-Jersey City Area                  47              25
  Scranton                                   8               6
  Binghamton                                 3               3
  Buffalo Area                              16               9
  Corning                                    1               1
  Hornell                                    6               6
  Elmira                                     2               1
  Other Points                               7               7

          Total                            124              92

The salaries and wages of the present and proposed organization
may be summarized as follows:

System                                   Present         Proposed

General Superintendent                   ---             $10,500
Staff Captain                            ---               7,020
Superintendent of Police                 18,708           16,416
Lieutenant                                6,420             ---
Staff Lieutenant                         12,846           12,846
Lieutenant-Investigator                     -             12,846
Chief Clerk                              12,276           18,096
Stenographer                              --               5,400

          Total                          $50,250         $83,124


Captain                                 $ 49,044        $ 28,080
Lieutenant                               124,788          77,040
Patrolmen                                600,324         445,401
Watchman                                  40,476          40,476
Gatemen                                    9,096           9,096
Sergeants                                 29,784            ---
Clerks                                    17,580          17,856

          Total                         $871,092        $617,949

          Grand Total                   $921,342        $701,073

Summary of Saving                 Present     Proposed    Saving

Supervisory                     $ 50,250     $ 77,724    $ 27,474 (Increase)
 Non-Supervisory                 871,092      623,349     247,743

       Total                    $921,342      $701,073   $220,269

Increase in Supervisory Salaries                         $ 27,474
Payroll Taxes                                               2,747

       Total Increases                                   $ 30,221

Decrease in Non-Supervisory 'Wages                       $247,743
Payroll Taxes                                              40,679

       Total Decreases                                   $288,422

Total Estimted Net Saving                                $258,201