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Home Double-Heading 283-282 Steam Engines

Al Rawdon is the proud owner of a pair of American Flyer steam engines that have been modified by his friend George Stapleford to run in a double-headed configuration. Al tells us about his "heavy iron" pullers.

I have had so many guys from the S-Trains list help me with projects and ideas and allow me to use their drawings and photos that I feel I must do the same with these photos I took of the engines in question. 

A little information on the engines. The 283 is the first engine and the 282 is the second engine. George Stapleford explained to me he would take engines and clean them up first and get them running as best he could. Then he would do a "chase race" to see how close to the same speed each was. If one engine was slightly faster than the other, this engine became the second engine.

One thing I have learned is that the two engines can pull consists of 30-40 cars, if the cars have the newer type axles that Lionel, SHS, and AM use. If the engines are pulling consists of original AF cars (oiled axles) then you can pull about 20 if the heavier cars are placed up close to the engines and the lighter cars are on the tail end, otherwise, you will most likely tip over on a curve.

(photos by Al Rawdon)

Brass link under cow-catcher

An over view of brass link

The front coupler

Double-headed engines

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Last revised: Thursday, September 05, 2002