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John Bigley 's RR

John likes trains. Surprised? Well, John only has three layouts, so I suppose he's only mildly addicted to S gauge. John decided to help keep the peace, he built one layout just for his kids. The second layout is for John to play with, and the third is a temporary layout for his wife to decorate for the holidays. What could be better than that? John invited the SJSG club members over for a visit to enjoy his three layouts.

These images are thumbnails, click on an image to see the full-size picture.

Layout #1 - for the kids. Layout #1. Layout #2 - for John. Layout #2 lower level.
Layout #1
Layout #1
Layout #2 - both levels
Layout #2 lower level
John and guests run trains. Layout #3 for the Holidays. Holiday Engine. SJSG gang at John's.
John, Steve and Ed watch trains
Holiday layout #3
In the spirit - holiday engine
Hail, Hail the gang's all here!

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Last revised: Wednesday, June 12, 2002