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Greg Berndtson's RR

Greg finally has the opportunity to build his dream layout - and he's started with a bang. After negotiating with the CFO for the 'right-of-way', he's building with a passion. Greg is a master builder as his scratch-built and finely detailed models attest, we look forward to seeing the completed layout. 

Greg has agreed to keep us up-to-date on his progress. These images will allow you to see a layout being constructed, from the initial plans, the framework, track work, scenery and detailing. Greg's pictorial history of his work in building a layout may help other modelers get a "feel" for what to expect when they decide to construct a layout of their own.

Images of work completed in 2001. Scenes cover the initial construction of the framework, track work and scenery.

Images of work completed in 2002. Covers Greg's work starting in January.

Greg's layout plan as he has it envisioned. So far, the left side is mostly complete, including the "lift-out" section (which actually drops down). Greg is building the framework, laying track and constructing the scenery as he goes. His next big hurdle is the small island section just to the right of the drop-down section.

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Last revised: Saturday, June 22, 2002