to Shuttletrain�s Wanderings.� On this site you will discover some of my
wanderings that have been done over the last few years, and will also give you a
place to view photos of railroad depots, and other interesting railroad
If you have any interesting places that you
would like to suggest you may contact me at shuttletrain.tp@gmail.com. ShuttletrainTED is also one the weekly hosts for the
American Passenger Rail Heritage Foundation�s Let�s Talk Trains Podcast. You
may listen live to the show, any Saturday from 12 noon until 2 pm central time
USA at www.letstalktrains.com, or
through I-Tunes anytime by selecting podcasts and then entering the� keyword: letstalktrains, or clicking the link at the bottom left of
this page. ShuttletrainTED also has a blog that you
can read and catch up on his wandering and even comment back to him at: www.shuttletrain.wordpress.com
Let�s Begin The Wanderings
Around The Page, Just Select A Section
Railroad Stations�������� Rolling
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updates of Shuttletrain�s Wanderings.