When it was announced that BHP will donate one of its disused locomotives to ARHS museum in Perth, I was really happy! I've never seen American loco before. So it was quite an opportunity to see one.
When I saw the loco for the first time, although from the distance, I was really surprised. It was like a two storey building! And it was getting more surprising when I saw it from nearby. It was like building! It was a huge locomotive!
This Alco M636 was built (under licence) by AE Goodwin. Although it was built in Australia, it was never used in Australia's mainline, due to its immense size and weight.
It was used by Mt. Newman (later BHP) for Iron ore hauling in Pilbara. When it was retired, it briefly used for shunting duties before being sent to ARHS Museum in Bassendean, near Perth.
The 5499 loco was the last Alco loco to be operated by BHP.