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Burlington Northern - Great Plains Rail Gallery

Burlington Northern
Motive Power

BN 6351 is in the lead as she rolls into Hobson Yard in Lincoln, Nebraska. 4/15/96

Lincoln was a BN town, a hub of the railroad's system in the region, as it continues for the BNSF today. Here the BN based it's Headquarters of the Nebraska Division, which oversaw traffic in Nebraska, Colorado, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas. Here four major mainlines of the road converged, including BN's main Powder River coal corridor. With the Havelock Shops, the BN's first class car repair facility on the eastern part of town to the sprawling 7-mile long, 1 mile wide Hobson Yard on the western edge, the BN was everywhere.

This small gallery features images of the BN - locomotives, equipment and some inside cab shots. All photos were taken at Lincoln, Nebraska unless otherwise noted.

Go to BN Freight, Cabooses & MoW Equipment for more rolling stock. The BNSF and ATSF also have their own galleries.


Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image.


BN 1 - the classic F-9 streamliner basks in the rays of a setting sun at Lincoln Station. 6/29/96


BN 1 - 6/29/96


BN 1 - 6/29/96

BN 1 - an F9 kept in sparkling condition now used for excursion rides poses on Track 2 before Lincoln Station. 6/29/96

BN 1 - 6/29/96

BN 3409 - the old and the new. Fall/00

BN 574 - the switcher lazily tugs a grimy caboose on a hot summer day.

BN 604 - a modified GP 9 used as a switcher at the Havelock shops in northeastern Lincoln. 6/95

BN 604 - The modified GP 9 has had it's entire cab removed then sometime later (judging by the partially covered BURLINGTON NORTHERN lettering) replaced with a boxy shop-built 'half-cab' on it's right side. It now spends it's days switching cars in and around the Havelock Shops yard. 11/22/95

BN 1510 - GP28M painted in an Operation Lifesaver scheme, joins a mixture of muscle consisting of a SD40-2, SD7, and a B30-7A cabless unit as they head west of 1st & J Street into Hobson Yard. 2/1/96

BN 1991 - an SD60 or 70M?, painted in honor of US troops during Desert Storm. 7/8/95

BN 2057 - a GP20, leads sister 5529, a C30-7 out of BN's Lincoln Station yard for Hobson Yard a mile to the southwest. 5/15/97

BN 2808 - a GP30 upgraded to a GP39M, prepares to set off from Havelock Shps with a work train. 12/27/95

BN 3113 - GP50 wears a slight variation on the typical BN paint scheme. 3/10/01

BN 3139 - GP50 4/20/96

BN 4028 - a cabless B30-7A used as a "B" unit, rolls past Lincoln Station. 11/11/95

BN 5063 - a string of seven U-30C's stored on an industrial track. 2/3/01

BN 5365 - U-30C, 4/27/96

BN 5492 - B30-7 smokes its way into Lincoln. 6/20/96

BN 5558 and 5047 - both C30-7's, with a mile-long train of empty coal cars headed back to Wyoming. These locos and C33's were some of the BN's favored models for coal service.3/15/97

BN 6164 - an upgraded SD 9, leads the Sunday morning delivery of tank cars from Omaha to the Hobson Yard in Lincoln. 2/1/87

BN 6329 - SD40, kind of looking as if it's got a snarl on its mouth. . . hate to think what the car that collided with it must have looked like. 8/95

BN 7912 - One of my favorites, SD40-2 with a bumper sticker reading "I Love Danger". 11/11/95

Inside the cab of a BN SD40-2, #7200. 6/17/95

BN 8020 - Another cloudy day in Lincoln hangs over the 40-2 as she crosses the 48th Street overpass. Lincoln, Nebraska 6/20/00

BN 8081 - SD40-2 leaves west Hobson Yard with mixed freight. 3/17/01

BN 9200 - an SD70 Mac, refuelling at the pumps in BN's Hobson Yard. 7/1/95

BN 9511 and a BN SD7 at Hobson Yard. 2/8/97

BN 9589 with a Union Pacific unit pull coal out of west Hobson Yard. 5/01

BN 9682 - an SD70 Mac, waits with empy coal hoppers as emergency crews replace a broken switch motor. The old interlocking tower standing to the right, is now demolished. 3/15/97

BN 9771 - 6/20/97

BN 9771 - brand spankin' new SD70 Mac with an excursion train. 6/20/97

BN 9771

In the driver's seat of a BN SD70 Mac #9620. 6/28/96

Signs of an impending merger - BN and Santa Fe units at the fuel dock in Lincoln's Big Yard

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Burlington Northern Freight, Cabooses & MoW Equipment

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Latest update: June 16, 2001

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Photos taken in Lincoln, Nebraska unless otherwise noted.
All photos & text � 2000-2001 T. Greuter / Screaming Eagles , unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved.