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Railroads of the Schoharie Valley

The Railroads of the Schoharie Valley
"The Pride of the Valley"

The Schoharie Valley Railway (SV) and the Middleburgh & Schoharie Railroad (M&S) were two little railroads that together only measured just short of ten miles in length. Chartered just after the end of the Civil War they were built to serve the people of the Schoharie Valley and the communities of Schoharie and Middleburgh.

These little railroads were built more as a convenience to the Schoharie Valley people rather than a necessity. They hauled out produce raised in the valley and brought in farm equipment and necessities for the valley people. The railroads also acted as a shuttle for the people of the valley, who in those early days had little more than a horse and buggy to get around.

This is a story of two little railroads that did what they could with what they had and loved doing it. This is the story of the Railroads of the Schoharie Valley.

Have any questions, comments . . . something you�d like to contribute? Please contact me!

All the best,

Richard J. �Richie� King

All Aboard!

Table of Contents

History of the
"Pride of the Valley"

Route of the Railroads

Locomotives & Equipment

Those Who Worked
for the Railroad

Stories from Along the Line

Suggested Reading


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