My interest in the Syndey & Louisburg Railway started 10yrs ago when my In Laws bought me the book Tracks Across The Landscape, the Commemorative S&L HIstory book. It was an interesting read, and since my Father-in-law was always telling me about when they ran "Old 42" to Port Morien, it helped fill in some gaps. Well, on my first trip to wonderful Cape Breton Island, and my Father-in-law's home of Glace Bay, I was able to see what was left of the S&L shops, and pay a visit to the S&L Museum in Louisburg. As it turns out, my Father-in-law's Brother worked for DEVCO, in the Glace Bay shops, until an accident cost him part of a leg. He took me down to the shops, and since he still knew the guys working in there (the shops were used only for repairs to mining equipment at this time) he took me down for a tour of what was left. Another relative was the RTC at the Rail Centre, and before he retired, also took me for a tour through the new shops. This even included a cab ride from the coal pier, all the way back around the loop, and a rear platform ride into the rotary dumper. From that point on, I have had an interest in the history of the S&L, and later, Devco. On the following pages, you will find scenes of the S&L and Devco, both as roster shots, and in operation at various locations along the line. This site is not designed to be a definitive history of the company. There are many sites out there that will give you that great history, and I'm not going to duplicate it. The links to those sites are posted later on. Enjoy the photos, and thanks for looking.
I am working to increase the photographs on this site, as well as some of the actual history of the operation. It is a work in progress, so please check back often.
- Sydney & Louisburg Steam Power
- Cumberland Railway Co. & Old Sydney Collieries
- Devco Diesels
- Other S&L/Devco equipment and structures
- Cape Breton Steam Railway