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Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
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Railfan Pictures of the Week - 3/13/2022

May 2001

Conrail CSAO WPFJ10 returning from working the I-95 Industrial Park about a half of a mile east of the Eddington siding which it is pictured passing.

The Eddington siding off the NEC used to run across State Road, but after Elf Aticochem Atofina facility closed, it was cut back to the west side to service one of the remaining customers, Advanced Lubrication Specialties. At the end of the rails is pictured one of the rare pieces of Conrail Shared Assets Operaions equipment that actually has the CSAO reporting mark. In lieu of a caboose, we give you the shoving platform CSAO 001.
After finishing up its work on the siding, CSAO WPFJ10 pulls out onto Track 1 ...
with CSAO 001 on the tail end.
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