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Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
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Railfan Pictures of the Week - 2/13/2022
Happened upon PN L160 working the soap in the fog, fog so thick that I could not see the power.
They had just finished and were shoving the empties north when I saw the first hint: spacers, that is cars between the tank cars and the power.
When they work the Soap with a six axle like SD40-2W PN 5342, they need to use other cars as spacers to get into the tight curves in the facility. Otherwise the rigid six axle trucks may "straighten" the curves with disasterous results.
A week later, the preferred power for getting into the nooks and crannies of the Soap: GP9RM PN 7010, the Tiger Cub, with its diminuitive trucks.
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