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Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
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Railfan Pictures of the Week - 1/30/2022
It was hoped that C39-8 PN 8212 would get a chance to stretch its legs, having pinchhit on W230, but a couple days after it developed problems, SD40-2W PN 5342 is back in the starting lineup.
It's a few weeks after Christmas but the lights are still up around the station.
The the Tiger Twins reunited, C39-8 PN 8212 is back on the bench.
The northbound SEPTA train has cleared enough blocks ahead for PN W230 to get a green at CP Land.
With the SEPTA MU Yard back in use and the lights on, you can get a good shot of 5342 going away.
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