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Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
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Railfan Pictures of the Week - 4/18/2021
Pennsylvania Northeastern Bethlehem Branch and Lansdale Yard Lansdale PA March and April 2021
There are many happy photographers around Lansdale as the Tiger Twins have been running together for the past month. SD40-2W PN 5342 is the north facing unit and 5315 is south. Here they are working the yard at Cannon Avenue on March 29.
Posing in the yard over the weekend on Easter.
Of course, selection of power is fluid, as on April 6.
But, two days later, the desired shot.
Resting again in the yard April 10.
All photographs for personal non-commercial use only. All rights reserved by original owner of image. Reproduction or redistribution in any form without express written permission is prohibited.
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