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Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
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Railfan Pictures of the Week - 10/11/2020
Amtrak Northeast Corridor North Philadelphia Station Philadelphia PA October 2 2020
After spending the week up in the Boston area, the Amtrak Avelia Liberty set that has been testing on the NEC was scheduled to return to Philadelphia on Friday October 2. Since I caught it on the way up at North Philadelphia Station, I decided to return there for the westbound move, but sinister forces sought to thwart my plans. First, a track crew from Conrail Shared Assets Operations was still working on the 0 Track and fouling Track 1.
That meant that all eastbounds would have to run on Track 2. ACS-64 AMTK 654 got Amtrak Regional 176 out of the way quick.
Closer to the scheduled arrival of the special, Atlantic City Train 4631 with GP40PH-2 NJT 4205 hustled past as well.
That left the only train that would actually stop at the station and could block my view: SEPTA 719, and of course running 7 minutes late.
Anticipating this, I moved all the way to the west end of the platform, and thankfully SEPTA got out of the way just in time.
Head on, the power cars look fine, but when viewed broadside, the nose appears quite eloooooooonnnnnnnngated.
In ten minutes, Amtrak Train 855 would be back at its home base for the near future, Penn Coach Yard, and ready to continue more testing before the third set arrives. At that time, it is reported that the second set will head back to the factory to get its full interior installed. The first set is still testing out in Pueblo CO.
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