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Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
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Railfan Pictures of the Week - 9/27/2020
Amtrak Northeast Corridor Eddington Station Bensalem PA March 31 2000 1:18 PM
In anticipation of the Acela 21's first daylight run up the Amtrak Northeast Corridor tomorrow, a remembrance of the first time I saw the original Acela in daylight under very different circumstances. It was the last day of March 2000 and the weather was starting to rebound from the winter. CSAO FJ10 with GP15-1 CSX 1546 and Conrail N21 caboose 21286 had just headed east off the Eddington Siding with a string of box cars and my lunch hour was ending, so I started to pack up my gear when a headlight appeared to the west. Nothing was scheduled, so I hastily scrambled to set up the video camera and barely had time to grab my trusty Minolta XG1 as I captured a half dozen shots and 14 seconds of video as it blasted by. One of my better lunches.
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