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Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
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Railfan Pictures of the Week - 6/21/2020
SEPTA Stony Creek Branch, Main Line and Pennsylvania Northeastern Bethlehem Branch Lansdale PA June 15 2020

Once upon a time, I had three favorite locals: CR WPAB-55/CSX B738 out of Lansdale, CR WPMO-1/CSX C770 out of Woodbourne and CR/CSAO WPFJ-10 out of Frankford Junction.When Pennsylvania Northeastern took over the Lansdale cluster, B738 went away, replaced by PN L160. Now C770 and its night version C764 are gone with the transfer between Morrisville and Woodbourne now handled by CSAO out of Morrisville and their only remaining local work at Bucks County Industrial Park across from Woodbourne was turned over to C746. The run to BCIP is usually done in the evening before they head up to Lansdale.

Often times this means a daylight arrival up in Lansdale, for instance C746-14, here pulling up to CP Dale waiting for the signal from SEPTA with a trio of SD40-2's: CSX 8128, 8145 and 8853.

Mixed in with the refrigerator cars, box cars and such were a number of tank cars marked for hydrochloric acid heading for storage.
The hind end of C746 just feet from clearing the Stony Creek Branch.
Unfortunately for early risers, the move through the Broad Street and Main Street Crossings in Lansdale is a slow one as at the first stop the derail just north of the station has to be dropped before they proceed, and then a second stop when the switch from the Industrial Track to the Running Track has to be thrown before they continue north, all of which under normal circumstances would make for a dawn traffic jam in the borough. Of course, when is the last time anything was normal?
All that means a twenty minute trip from Broad Street to Schwab Road, plenty of time to chase, here passing the former Jet Plastica siding.
They will pull up just a bit to clear the switch at Schwab before they shove back onto the leased track, then cut off the power and return to Lansdale.
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