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Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
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Railfan Pictures of the Week - 3/29/2020
Amtrak Northeast Corridor 30th Street Station Philadelphia PA March 22 2020
In the wake of the novel coronavirus pandemic, all modes of travel have been curtailed and with outbreaks along Amtrak's Northeast Corridor, service is being cut back. Passenger loadings are down at least 90% and for the foreseeable future, trains are going to few and far between. On the Sunday before Pennsylvania issued its "stay at home" order, all Acela Expresses and Keystone Corridor trains have been cancelled, and those trains running were almost equally split between Northeast Regionals and long distance runs, like Train 91 the southbound Silver Star. As of this day, the consists have not been trimmed to fit the demand (or lack of it) but that will probably be the next step.
Even though the Keystone Corridor trains had been annulled, there were still equipment moves to be made, as with this Keystone consist coming into 30th Street Station.
Northeast Regional Train 195 came down from New York with a seven car consist.
New Jersey Transit was still running Atlantic City Line trains, here Train 4677 heading down the shore.
Another seven car Northeast Regional, Train 88, heading to New York.
SEPTA has been running a modified Saturday Schedule every day, but with its ridership down 94%, today, March 29 2020, it implemented a Essential Services schedule which is basically weekend service cut in half with many lines seeing trains run just once every two hours.
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