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Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
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Railfan Pictures of the Week - 1/12/2020
Amtrak Northeast Corridor North Philadelphia Station Philadelphia PA December 1 2019
Technically the freights through North Philadelphia Station are not on the Northeast Corridor, but they do add to the variety and you can photograph them from the station platform. Here on Thanksgiving Sunday is NS 39G heading west after coming out of Pavonia Yard with a destination of Allentown.
Leading west on 39G was AC44C6M NS 4076 which was rebuilt from C40-9 NS 8886.
Trailing elephant style was D9-44CW NS 9621 ...
and a mid-train (almost push pull) dpu SD70ACe NS 1082.
A few hours later, its counterpart NS 38G led by AC44C6M NS 4160 (rebuilt from Dash 9-44CW N 8968) passes North Philadelphia Tower.
At a slightly faster pace, an eastbound Acela Express passes the tower ...
and the head end of 38G in a blink of an eye ...
and by the time the hind end of 38G passed the station, the express was long gone.
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