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Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
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Railfan Pictures of the Week - 10/14/2018
Amtrak Northeast Corridor Cornwells Heights Station Bensalem PA August 21 2018
Following behind the TLM is an army of tampers, ballast regulators and other equipment that prepare the newly laid ties and rail for regular service.
Plasser American Dynamic Track Stabilizer AMTK A16115
Plasser American 09-32 heavy-duty, high speed, continuous action switch and production track tamping machine AMTK A10501
Plasser American Ballast Regulator PBR600 AMTK A14401
Of course, the work has to pause frequently for the revenue traffic.
The lulls between trains allow personnel to double check their work and make sure everything is just right.
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