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Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
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Railfan Pictures of the Week - 09/24/2017
CSX Trenton Line CP Berry Philadelphia PA September 21 2017

What's black and white and, well, that's it?

CSX K602, yes it is in fact a CSX train, approaches CP Berry. The train initially stopped east of Southampton Road overpass as it had to wait for Q032 to pass.

It featured three different flavors of GE power in black and white: ES40DC NS 7692, 9-40C NS 8773 and AC44C6M NS 4025.
It also had one covered hopper used as a buffer car, white of course (actually gray, but close enough).
And a ton of loaded tank cars, which is probably why they held back from CP Berry, to allow themselves a little space to get a running start.
The unbuffered tail end snakes its way through the interlocking.
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