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Philly Railfan Model Pictures of the Week
Philly Railfan Model Pictures of the Week
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Railfan Model Pictures of the Week - 3/29/2021
Frateschi FA1 RDG 305 LV 546 PRR 9606 Lifelike Proto2000 FA2 9623
Frateschi #1012 FA1 RDG 305
Frateschi #1009 FA1 Lehigh Valley LV 546
Frateschi #1006 FA1 Pennsylvania PRR 9606
Lifelike Proto2000 #8376 FA2 PRR 9623 and #6335 FB2 PRR 9626
Walthers Trainline 931-215, 931-216, 931-268 FA1 RDG 300, 305 and FB1 302B
The Walthers RDG 305 is the as-delivered scheme, the Frateschi RDG 305 is how the nose appeared after it was rebuilt after a March 1958 wreck.
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