Adam is one of our volunteers who has no relatives, living or dead, with a history related to the railroads. That makes him unusual in itself. When you add that to all the things that qualify him to lend a helping hand in the shop; Adam is a valuable resource. Because of his carpentry skills, he is involved with the creation of building trade show displays and museum exhibits. This may seem like rough carpentry as seen from a distance but his work qualifies him as a “finish” carpenter. Adam learned many skill from his father and deserves to be in a commercial featuring father’s teaching son’s talents. Once he found the steam shop, he began arriving on the Front Runner to share his skills and learn new ways to help put the 223 back together. He brings experience in heavy equipment installation, power washing, pipe fitting and sand blasting.
Adam is a student of milling machines” and five axis C&C machines. He hopes that in the rebuilding of the 223 he will be spending time in the creation of new replacement parts necessary because of the wear and tear on 223’s operating systems over the past 120 years. As the 223 rebuild get’s into its 2nd phase, Adam will is sure to be an integral part of the volunteer team. We look forward to having Adam hold in his hands a part or assembly ready for installation. We all have felt that special feeling and wish to pass along that experience. Adam’s grand dad was an engineer for Kennecott mining operations.