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Seward Halibut Fishing
Seward Halibut Fishing Trip
June 15, 2006

I got up before 6 AM to have some coffee and breakfast.  Steve and Rowena eventually rose and we drove to the harbor to meet Eric Clock.  It was going to be just the 3 of us on the "Seafarer" plus Eric Clock and his college age daughter Anna who was the deck hand.  Eric had told me that he was concerned about the "weather guessers" and that the ocean was forecast to be rough.  Due to only 3 paying passengers, Eric kept us close to Seward.  We probably only traveled down the Gulf 5 miles to Day Harbor.  We fished in about 8 different spots.  Fishing was slow and twice while getting the pole but into the fighting belt, my fish escaped.  After that, I ditched the belt.  In between rain showers the landscape was beautiful.





At 3:40 PM, Eric announced that this would be our last drift.  Earlier, Anna told me that they would do whatever it took to get us our limit.  Somehow, we stayed until 5:10 PM and had our limit for all 5 of us.  I celebrated by opening the bottle of wine that Rowena had purchased soon after my arrival in Alaska.








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