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Alaska Railroad Glacier Discovery Grandview Train

June 22, 2005
Copyright 2005 by Richard Elgenson

While it was not raining, the afternoon turn into Whittier was a little wet from rain since the Prince William Sound is virtually a rain forest.  About to leave was the Grandview cruise trainset.  In the lower left photograph, the Buckner Building is visible.  Until the early 1960's it was a city within a city for the military.  The military left and the building still stands empty.



Below left, traversing Portage Valley looking to the rear of the train.  Below right, Portage is visible on the right.


On a siding parallel to the mainline sat another work train.  Earlier in the day, they had been somewhere below the Spencer Lake area digging for material to be used by the railroad.


Somehow, I stopped taking photographs and enjoyed the rest of the ride back to Anchorage in peace and relaxation.  After departing the train in Anchorage, I joined 2 friends for drinks and appitizers at a nice brewery restaurant near the depot.  The next day, Thursday I had very little planned.  Knowing that the place I was staying at was near the railroad in south Anchorage, I figured I would take a walk in the morning to find out just how close the track was.  My plan was to blunder my way to the nearest railroad crossing with my camera to take pictures of the Glacier Discovery.  After a 15 minute walk, I found myself at the Cross Road grade crossing with the Alaska Railroad track.  The train would be coming southbound through a right hand curve next to the Ocean View neighborhood.  This is the neighborhood that features homes with their own landing strip and hangars built into homes.  Aside from having my camera, I was unprepared for what was about to pass by.  The Glacier Discovery, with the "weekend crew" was slighty different in consist on this particular day.


I had been concentrating on taking a photograph of the locomotive and at first did not notice the second locomotive.  After turning to the right as the train passed by, I noticed that this Glacier Discovery looked very different.  Then it looked like the regular train.  Something special was going on here.  After reporting back to base camp, my mole knew nothing about any different consist on this day.  I had to see this train again and photograph it in a more open spot.


The Glacier Discovery arrives back at the Anchorage depot at about 9 o'clock PM which gave me the whole day to do something else.  At the appropriate time, I borrowed the host's truck and sped out towards Potter's Marsh. Since "sunlight" was late afternoon at 8:30 PM I crossed the track by foot and worked my down the embankment onto a green field a few hundred feet from the Cook Inlet.  As I waited for the train, the mosquitos attacked relentlessly.  At least I was early and did capture the northbound Glacier Discovery.  Below are the results.  I think this is one of the most interesting consists that I have ever seen of the Glacier Discovery.


The consist has the usual locomotive 2002, 3014, a power car, the Aurora business car, one high level car an additional coach and then the regular Glacier Discovery.


The next day I was scheduled to ride the Glacier Discovery again and did find out why the train looked so unusual.  The next day train ride was also to be unusual for me since I had been booked to ride on the Major Marine Tours Emerald Sea from Whittier to Blackstone Bay.

Glacier Discovery and Prince William Sound glacier cruise