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The following is courtesy of Bill Griffin:
No. Blt Construction Notes Disposition 803 1917 Wood/Steel Frame 1 Sold 11/30/70 804 1917 Wood/Steel Frame 1 Wrecked and scrapped 1951 805 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 2 Dismantled 6/20 806 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 2 Dismantled 6/20 807 1917 Wood/Steel Frame 1 Wrecked and scrapped 1946 809 1917 Wood/Steel Frame 1 Sold to Iron & Steel products, 1950 811 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 2 Sold to Railway Associates 1937 814:1 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 2 Dismantled 6/20 814:2 1917 Wood/Steel Frame 1 Sold to Iron & Steel products, 1950 815 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 2 Transferred to work equipment, 1924 816 1917 Wood/Steel Frame 1 Sold to Iron & Steel products, 1950 817 1917 Wood/Steel Frame 1 Retired 1970 818 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 2 Destroyed by fire, 1965 819 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 2 Sold to Pacific Electric, 1950 820 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 2 Converted to tool car 1953 822 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 2 Sold to Pacific Electric, 1950 824 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 2 Renumbered #951 in 1971, retired 1970, to OD/NRHS 825 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 2 Sold to Pacific Electric, 1950 826 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 2 Sold to J. E. SKELTON Co. 1936 830 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 2 Sold to Newhall-Marshall; to Detroit Terminal 1950 831 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 2 Dismantled 1931 832 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 2 Transferred to work equipment 1924 833 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 2 Retired 1970 835 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 3 Sold to Pacific Electric, 1950 836 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 3 Sold to Railway Accessories 1937 837 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 3 Sold to Pacific Electric, 1950 839 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 3 Sold to Appalac 1938 841 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 3 Sold to Pacific Electric, 1950 842 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 3 Converted to tool car 1953 843 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 3 Sold to Railway Accessories 1937 844 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 3 Sold to J.E. Skelton 1939 845 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 3 Sold to Iron & Steel Products 1950 901 1905 Wood/Steel Frame 4 Converted to tool car 1953 902 1905 Wood/Steel Frame 4 Sold to Newhall-Marshall-Wood; to Detroit Terminal 1950 903 1905 Wood/Steel Frame 4 Sold to Pacific Electric, 1950 904 1905 Wood/Steel Frame 4 Sold to Pacific Electric, 1950 905 1905 Wood/Steel Frame 4 Sold to Pacific Electric, 1950 906 1905 Wood/Steel Frame 4 Sold to Marshall Railway Supply Co., 1958 907 1918 Wood/Steel Frame 5 Retired 1970 908 1918 Wood/Steel Frame 5 Sold to Iron & Steel Products 1950 909 1918 Wood/Steel Frame 5 Sold to Iron & Steel Products 1950 910 1918 Wood/Steel Frame 5 Renumbered #953 4/71, retired 1976 911 1918 Wood/Steel Frame 5 Retired 1970 912 1918 Wood/Steel Frame 5 Sold to Peck Iron & Metal 1969 913 1941 Wood/Steel Frame 6 Renumbered #956; sold to J. Dankos 1977 914 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 6 Wrecked and retired 1962 915 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 6 Wrecked and retired 1960 916 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 6 Wrecked and retired 1957 917 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 6 Renumbered #952; retired 1970; sold Luria Bros. 918 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 6 Donated to the Richmond, VA 1974 919 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 6 Retired 1970 920 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 6 Renumbered #954; donated to Auto Train 1974 921 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 6 Donated to Richmond Symphony 922 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 7 Converted to work equipment 1953 923 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 7 Sold to Ortner Co. 1957 924 1941 Wood/Steel Frame 8 Retired and sold to Peck Iron & Metal 1960 925 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 7 Converted to work equipment 1953 926 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 7 Sold to Ortner Co. 1959 927 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 7 Sold to Ortner Co. 1959 928 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 7 Converted to work equipment 1953 929 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 7 Sold to Ortner Co. 1959 930 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 7 Converted to work equipment 1953 931 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 7 Converted to work equipment 1953 932 1943 Wood/Steel Frame 8 Destroyed in fire at Possum Point, VA 1961 933 1943 Wood/Steel Frame 8 Destroyed in wreck at Potomac Yard 1968 934 1943 Wood/Steel Frame 8 Destroyed in wreck at Potomac Yard 1964 935 1943 Wood/Steel Frame 8 Renumbered #955 4/71; retired 4/81 936 1943 Wood/Steel Frame 8 Retired 938 1943 Wood/Steel Frame 8 Retired 939 1943 Wood/Steel Frame 8 Destroyed in wreck at Potomac Yard 1963 940 1943 Wood/Steel Frame 8 Sold to S. T. Green 1970 941 1943 Wood/Steel Frame 8 Sold to Luria Bros. 1970 951 1904 Wood/Steel Frame 9 Renumbered from #824 in 1971 952 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 9 Renumbered from #917 in 1971 953 1918 Wood/Steel Frame 9 Renumbered from #910 in 1971 954 1942 Wood/Steel Frame 9 Renumbered from #920 in 1971 955 1943 Wood/Steel Frame 9 Renumbered from #935 in 1971 956 1941 Wood/Steel Frame 9 Renumbered from #913 in 1971 901:2 6/70 All Steel 11 Sold to Barnhart & Associates 6/90; resold 6/90 to ASAB re:#100 902:2 6/70 All Steel 11 Sold to Barnhart & Associates 6/90 903:2 6/70 All Steel 11 In service 1991 904:2 4/73 All Steel 11 Donated to Valentine Museum, Richmond VA 5/8/90 905:2 4/73 All Steel 11 Donated to Rappahannock Chapter NRHS 3/90 906:2 4/73 All Steel 11 In service 1991 907:2 4/73 All Steel 11 Sold to Greg Raines; resold to Barnhart & Associates 6/90 921:2 1/71 All Steel 12 Sold to Barnhart & Associates 6/90 922:2 1/71 All Steel 12 Destroyed by fire at Acca Yard 11/6/82 923:2 1/71 All Steel 12 In service on CSX 1991 931:2 1/71 All Steel 12 Sold to Barnhart & Associates 6/90 932:2 1/71 All Steel 12 Sold to Barnhart & Associates 6/90 933:2 1/71 All Steel 12 Sold to Barnhart & Associates 6/90 Notes: 1. Lt Wt 35,300 lbs.; built by the RF&P 2. Lt Wt 27,400 lbs.; built by the RF&P; #824 was renumbered in 1971 and was donated to the Old Dominion Chapter of the NRHS in 1980 3. Lt Wt 28,700 lbs.; built by the RF&P 4. Lt Wt 27,460 lbs.; built by the RF&P 5. Lt Wt 35,300 lbs.; built by the RF&P; #910 renumbered #953 in 1971; #911 was donated to Fredericksburg, VA in 1970 6. Lt Wt 36,600 lbs.; built by the RF&P; #913 renumbered #956 in April 1973 and used at a restaurant; #917 was renumbered #952 and restored to active service after being retired in 1970 7. Lt Wt 41,600 lbs.; converted from box cars and storage cars in 1942 by the RF&P 8. Converted from stock cars #2277, 2305, 2435, 2267, 2282, 2311, 2300, 2420, 2421 by the RF&P in 1943/44; #935 runumbered 955 in April 1971 9. Remaining active wood cabooses were renumbered in 1971 to make room for the steel caboose. Retired as follows: #951 donated to the Old Dominion Chapter of the NRHS; #952 disposition unknown; #953 donated to the Fairfax County Park Authority in 1976; #954 donated to Auto Train in 1974; #955 donated to Richmond Public Schools in April 1981; #956 was sold to John Dankas in 1977. 11. Lt Wt 51,500 lbs.; built by International Car Company, equipped with Bettendorf trucks 12. Built by Southern Iron & Equipment; #921 was retired on 11/22/75, then rebuilt and returned to service. General Notes: A. Cabooses #803, 804, 807, 809, 814:2, 816, 817 were built in 1917/18 and were all off the roster by 1960 with the exception of #803 and 817. These two cabooses were retired 1970. B. Cabooses #805, 806, 811, 814:1, 815, 818-820, 822, 824-86, 828, 830-833 were all off the roster by 1960 with the exception of #818, 824, and 833. Caboose #818 was destroyed by fire in 1965; #824 and 833 were retired in 1970. C. Cabooses #835-845 were all off the roster by 1953. D. Cabooses #901:1-906:1 were all off the roster by 1958. E. Cabooses #907:1-912 were all off roster by 1970 except #910 that was renumbered #953. RF&P #953 was retired in 1976. Cabooses #908 and 909 were off roster in 1950. All others retired in the early 1970s. F. Cabooses #913-921 were all retired and off roster by the early 1970s except #913 and 921 that were renumbered #956 and 954. These two cabooses were retired in 1977 and 1974, respectively. G. Cabooses #922-931 were all retired by 1960. H. Cabooses #932:1-941 were all retired by 1971. Caboose #935 that was retired, renumbered, and returned to service as #955. RF&P #955 was retired, by April 1981.
�1997-2004, Robert G. McKeever, II, unless otherwise noted. | Suggestions to |
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