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Rosters of the RF&P

Rosters of the RF&P

Number Engine Type Builder Date Notes
model number renumber/resale
SW1500 RFP 1, Granite Mt. Quarry (Arkansas)
SW1500 RFP 2, Quality Terminal Switching 2 (Texas)
SW1500 RFP 3, Quality Terminal Switching 3 (Texas)
SW1500 RFP 5, PBR 5
SW1500 RFP 7, SB #?
SW1500 RFP 8, Cal Steel 32-0009 (California)
SW1200 RFP 83, CSXT 1302, Allied Fibers & Plastics 202 (Hopewell, VA)
SW1200 RFP 84, CSXT 1303, Allied Fibers & Plastics 203 (Hopewell, VA)
SW1500 RFP 91, CSXT 1315, ACWR 1500, CR 1500, M&E 20
GP35 RFP 116 , RFP 136, GRWR 136
GP35 RFP 118, RFP 138, CSXT 4429
GP40 RFP 121, CSXT 6855
GP40 RFP 122, CSXT 6856, CSXT 9703
GP40 RFP 123, CSXT 6857
GP40 RFP 126, CSXT 6860, CSXT 9726
GP40 RFP 127, CSXT 6861, KCS 4747
GP40-2 RFP 141, CSXT 6393
GP40-2 RFP 142, CSXT 6394
GP40-2 RFP 143, CSXT 6395
GP40-2 RFP 144, CSXT 6396
GP40-2 RFP 145, CSXT 6397
GP40-2 RFP 146, CSXT 6398
GP40-2 RFP 147, CSXT 6399
SW1 ACL 1901, Richmond Terminal 50, RFP 50, NJ Construction, TMSS 26
pictures of 1,2,3,4,6 at Pot Yard
S2 RFP 54, ACL 44, SCL 98, Vulcan Materials 12830 (Trego,VA)
S2 RFP 58, SH 68
S2 RFP 59, SH 62, DC 62, Mid States Terminal 62 (Michigan)
S2 RFP 61, SH 61
S2 RFP 63, SH 63
S2 RFP 64, SH 65
S2 RFP 65, SH 64, SB 64, DC 64
S2 RFP 67, SH 60
S2 RFP 69, SH 69
81-85 SW1200 EMD 81-83 blt 9-65 84-85 blt 7-65
91 SW1500 EMD 11/66 BN: 32156
121-127 GP40 EMD to CSX 6855-6861
131-138 GP35 EMD fomerly RF&P 111-118
141-144 GP40-2 EMD To CSX 6393-6399
S-1,S-2,S-3 Slug RF&P
1001-1009 E8A EMD 1001-05 blt 11/49 1006-09 blt 2/52

ACL = Atlantic Coast Line 
ACWR = Aberdeen Carolina & Western (NC) 
DC = Delray Connecting (MI(
GRWR = Great Walton Rail (GA)
KCS = Kansas City Southern 
PBR = Patapsco & Back Rivers (MD) 
SB = South Buffalo (NY)
SCL = Seaboard Coast Line 
SH = Steelton & Highspire (PA)
TMSS = Towanda-Monroeton Shippers Lifeline (PA) 

This will be more detailed as time permits, hopefully covering when locos were repainted from text RF&P on the side to the white & blue logos, to the addition of the small blue to the long hood face, and finally to the addition of the gold around about 1989-90.
And, also older units and schemes they were in will also be added.

Steam on the RF&P

Number Name Builder Date Class Notes
551-554 Generals
571-580 Lima 1943 NKP type berkshire
601-606 Governor 4-8-4
607-612 Statesman 4-8-4
613-622 Statesman 4-8-4 Retired 1953-1954; leased to the C&O 1955-56. Scrapped when returned
An update of the above will occur shortly, based on a roster contained in Bill Griffin's 1994 book.

Caboose Roster

�1997-2001, Robert G. McKeever, II, unless otherwise noted. Suggestions to
Return to the RF&P Page Last Updated 19 June 2001
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