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Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad

R F & P -- Alexandria, etc.

At Last, the redesign begins...

Soon, I will finally have on this index list some photos sent to me by David Davies some six months ago. I have pared down what was on this main page, splitting most of them onto subpages with no more than 6-8 images per page. This should make this and all of these image pages load much faster.

December 1987: Rob McKeever
September 1988: Cornelies Koelewijn
Summer 1994
Dave Davies photos
Airial View of Pot Yard, March 1990
Airial View of Pot Yard, March 1990, photo by Robert J. Fisher

RF&P 123, 142, South of Alex. Terry Fry photo

Alex Main Alex 9-11 Alex 12 Alex 13 Alex 5 (soon) Archive Home

This section will continue to be expanded as time permits. Many thanks to Bill Adams, Terry Fry and Cornelius Koelewijn for use of their photos.

Northern Virginia area links:

City of Alexandria
Washington DC Chapter NRHS
Northern Virginia Model Railroaders
Northern Virginia Ntrak
Prince William Model Railroad Club
Fairfax Station
Washington Metro
Virginia Railway Express

Washington, DC Registry

Alexandria Map
Alex Map

�1987-2004, Robert G. McKeever, II, unless otherwise noted. Suggestions to
Return to the RF&P Page Last Updated 7 April 2004
Thanks to for hosting this site.