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Rod Hutchinson, Model Railroad Pages. HOn30 HOe 009

Rod Hutchinson's

Model Railway Pages

Landscaping methods

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The modules have a base of 7mm plywood, a top of 3mm plywood and a backscene of 3mm mdf which provides adequate support for all construction.

The rail sits about 130mm above the top of plywood base allowing for construction of valleys and rivers etc.

Landform is a cardboard lattice assembeld with a hot glue gun.  A surface of kitchen wipes is glued with PVA adhesive over the lattice work and up to the mdf which supports the track.  The pieces of wipes are approximately 150mm2  and overlap to about three layers or so.  The ground surface is a brown multi purpose acrylic gap sealant. 

A selection of fine gravels and dust, or carpet underlay is glued with PVA to achieve a base surface texture depending on whether the surface is bare or has plantlife.

The carpet underlay is pulled up 24 hours after being put down.  The tufts and strands remaining provide the base grass texture.  The "grass" is trimmed by rigorous hand pulling, cutting and combing with a nail brush which makes the strands stand upright.  Airbrushing with suitable colours completes the base.

The tree trunks are Eucalyptus branches which look like small tree trunks.  Understorey plants and trees are a mix of commercial and natural materials.

Rocks are made from foam rumbber and coated with either the acrylic gap filler and scenic materials or plaster topping coat and airbrushed with suitable colours to achieve the desired affect. 

Tree ferms are made from emu feathers and pipe cleaners.

Module Lattice

Module Kitchen Wipes

Surface Texture