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Structures:  Many of the structures on the GC&E are scratchbuilt. I have built structures which are a
plywood shell with dollhouse siding or strips of redwood or cedar and plastic sheeting or aluminum from soda cans which I corrugated for roofs. I've made serveral buildings from foamboard which I made look like stone by cutting mortar lines with a soldering iron.

1 Tannery Webster Springs Scratchbuilt 21 Farmhouse Bergoo Korber
2 Tannery Webster Springs Scratchbuilt 22 Barn Bergoo Scratchbuilt
3 Farmers Co-op Webster Springs Scratchbuilt 23 Implement shed Bergoo Scratchbuilt
4 Lumber yard Webster Springs Lionel 24 Church Hickery Lick Scratchbuilt
5 Bank Webster Springs Pola 25 Cabin In the Woods Model Geeks
6 General Store Webster Springs Pola 26 Station Stop Hickery Lick Pola
7 Restaraunt Webster Springs Kit Bashed 27 Telegraph Office Laurel Bank Scratchbuilt
8 Station Webster Springs Aristo 28 Garage Mt. Airy Scratchbuilt
9 Ice House Webster Springs Scratchbuilt 29 Firehouse Mt. Airy Piko
10 Gas Station Webster Springs Scratchbuilt 30 Store Mt. Airy Scratchbuilt
11 Ice Platform Spruce Scratchbuilt 31 House Mt. Airy Scratchbuilt
12 Engine House Spruce Scratchbuilt 32 School Mt. Airy Pola
13 Sand House Spruce Scratchbuilt 33 Water Tower Webster Springs Pola
14 Coal Tipple Spruce Pola 34 MOW Shed Mt. Airy Scrachbuilt
15 Water Tower Spruce Aristo 35 Station Mt. Airy Pola
16 Station Back Fork Pola 36 Station Bergoo Pola
17 HyLow Mine Back Fork Scratchbuilt 37 House Laurel Bank Korber
18 Water Tower Webster Springs Pola 38 Telegraph Office Hickery Lick Scratchbuilt
19 Saw Mill Bergoo Scratchbuilt
20 Grist Mill Bergoo Scratchbuilt

                     BLDG. 28                                                            BLDG. 3 & 4

                   BLDG. 24                                                             BLDG. 10

                         BLDG. 1 & 2                                                      BLDG. 22