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CNR Track Gang - Ajax-Whitby 1977 - RGBurnet
23 June 1978

Images show CNR workers and work equipment used in the track upgrading along
the Kingston Subdivision for the CNR and GO Transit trains.

(The first slide, though, shows old time track workers, 1917, just east of one of my families HFL stations. GTR Darlington
(HFL = House, Fuel, Lights supplied by the GTR), where my grandfather was agent and my mother was born on the second floor.
The little boy is my Uncle WSM, later a TS and ACTD.)

* Slideshow is autoplay at approx. 3.5 seconds per photo * Best Viewed with screen at 100% *
* There may be a delay in starting as files are transferred *

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Track Gang Summary Pt1
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Track Gang Summary Pt2
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GTR Darlington 1917 - Old Time Track Workers and WSM the little boy centre of track
All photo credits: GWH / WSM / RGB
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