Date | Stn # | Tele Call | Miles from Toronto | Agent(s) | Date Installed |
1922 | 227 | JU | 9.0 | EN Granger | 1910 to 20 May 1920 D/N |
1924 | 4642 | JU | 9.0 | - | - |
1927 | 4642 | JU | 9.0 | - | |
1943 | 42435 | JU | 9.0 | GW Horner | 1943-1945 D/N |
1872 | T&N | 1 N trn 1 S trn | Toronto and Nipissing | (1) |
1873 | T&N | N Mail Mail, Exp S Exp, Mail, Mixed | Toronto and Nipissing |
17 Apr 1899 | GTR | 22 (Mail), 24 (Exp), 26 (Mixed) 23 (mail), 35 (Mixed), 21 (Exp), 51 (Mixed) | Toronto, Port Hope and Midland |
13 June 1904 | GTR | 19 (Exp), 21 (Mail), 23 (Mail), 25 (Sutton Mixed), 29 (Toronto Mixed), 45 (Way Frgt) 22 (Mail), 24 (Mail), 18 (exp), 26 (Sutton Mixed), 58 (Way Frgt), 60 (Frgt) | Port Hope Jct, Lindsay and Toronto 8th & 10th Districts
| 11 Feb 1917 | GTR | 197 (Pass),139 (Pass), 93 (Mail), 95 (Mail) 385 (Mixed), 379 (Mixed), 385 (Mixed) 92 (Mail), 94 (Mail), 392 (Mixed) | Lindsay and Scarboro Jct Sub 10th Districts |
02 Sep 1923 | CNR - GTR | 92, 392, 94, 90 91, 93, 385, 95, 197, 393, 87 | Toronto, Peterboro, Port Hope, Midland via Scarboro Jct | (2) |
01 March 1924 | CNR | 92, 392, 94, 90 91, 93, 385, 95, 197, 393 | Toronto, Peterboro, Port Hope, Midland via Scarboro Jct | (2) |
26 June 1932 | CNR | 92, 72, SAT 71, 95, 365, SUN | Toronto, Lindsay, Peterboro, Port Hope | (3) |
27 Apr 1947 | CNR | 93, 95, 87 92, 94 | Oshawa Sub, Uxbridge Sub |
27 Oct 1963 | CNR | 31, 119, 17, 19, 105, 5, 9, 109, 15, 901 (UX) 18, 10, 114, 14, 6, 32, 118, 16, 900(UX) | Oshawa Sub, Uxbridge Sub | (4), (5), (6) |
26 Apr 1970 | CNR | GO Transit E - 990 (UX flag only) GO Transit W, 991 (UX) | Kingston Sub, Uxbridge Sub | (7) |
30 Apr 1978 | CNR - VIA | 631 flag / 632, 633 (UX) 630, 632 flag (KI but scheduled UX) | Kingston Sub, Uxbridge Sub | (8) |
1967 to current | GO Transit | Hourly service Lakeshore and half-hour service - only one GO train currently stops #864 | Kingston Sub, Uxbridge Sub, Lakeshore East, Stouffville | (9) |
27 Apr 1986 | CNR | Hourly service Lakeshore and half-hour service - only one GO train currently stops #864 631 632 | Kingston Sub, Uxbridge Sub | (10), (11) |
(1) No train number or name
(2) 1923/24 PTTs rename MARKHAM ROAD STATION to SCARBORO - mileage 322.25 from mileage 322.3
(3) SCARBORO JUNCTION station 26 June 1932
(4) Wooden two-story HFL SCARBORO station burned down 18 December 1960 - a temporary station was placed here December 1960 consisting of CN 68636 OCS Diner which became the operator's office - CN 69323 OCS Diner, CN 574322 boxcar was used by the CN Express Agent - CN 69323 and CN 574322 were removed in late 1962 - CN 68636 remained for the operator until the new brick station opened mileage 325.01 September 1963 - in preparation for the GO expansion in 1977 for the Uxbridge Sub the 1963 brick station was demolished in April 1977 - at this time the operators were moved into a trailer on the north side of the Uxbridge Sub 28 Feb 1977 while the brick was being demolished and to build the Kingston Sub track diversion (click here (or Index) to see slideshow 1977 Diversion Work Programme)
(5) SCARBORO 1962 mileage 60.4 Uxbridge Sub / 60.5 with Junction of the Oshawa Sub
(6) Scarborough closed 21 December 1980 / only GO platform is used today
(7) First instance where name changed from SCARBORO to SCARBOROUGH on the Kingston Sub but remains SCARBORO for Uxbridge Sub (UX) - UX mileages 60.4 and Jct Switch 60.9 / Kingston Sub 325.2 and Jct switch 325.5
(8) 631 and 632 now flag stops on Kingston Sub at Scarborough - scheduled on UX
(9) SCARBOROUGH GO station opened 1967 - 631 and 632 (UX) now flag stops at Scarborough off Kingston Sub but regular scheduled stops on Uxbridge
(10) CN ETT #53 1986 - mileage 352.5 Kingston Sub removed from the ETT - reference now to the Jct Switch Uxbridge Sub replaced with "Scarborough Jct with Uxbridge Sub" mileage 61.0 - and with "Scarborough Jct with Kingston Sub" mileage 325.2
(11) Uxbridge Sub shows one train north and one south only with no train numbers - train numbers only on Kingston Sub as 631, 632 and No Flag Stops - no train numbers in ETT for Uxbridge Sub trains
 Click to enlarge Scarboro Station1954 Photo Credit: Toronto Public Library Public Domain