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GO Coach Handrail Inconsistencies
GO Coach, Caboach and Cabcar Handrail Installation Inconsistencies

The following is a non-comprehensive representative series of GO Transit Bombardier bi-level coach side handrails and the inconsistencies of handrail placements at both A and B ends of the coaches. The images below include the classic colour paint scheme, refurbished coaches, the use of the classic cabcars now only as caboaches in the consists, and new paint scheme coaches and cabcars. The roof top side handrails on all Series including cabcar, coaches and caboaches are consistently placed. Note also the step ladder differences, locations and frames of ladders.

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NOTE: GO removing all lower side handrails and steps from coaches and cabcars
over Safety concerns (Late March 2019)
GO COACHES follow a Series numbering sequence:

Series I 2000s
Series II 2100s
Series III 2200s
Series IV 2300s
Series V 2400s
Series VI 2500s (accessibility)
Series VII 2600s
Series VIII 2700s
Series IX 2800s
Series X 4000s (CEMs)
Series XI 4500s (CEMs accessibility).

GO CABCARS (Classics 200 to 257) now consist CABCOACHES and the new CEMs 300 to 366, follow a Series numbering sequence:

Series I 200-214
Series II 215-223
Series III 224-241
Series IV 242-245
Series V 246-250
Series VI 252-253
Series VII 254
Series VIII 255-257
Series IX 300-366 (CEMs).

Above each photo is the Series number of each and/or cabcar/caboach with coach numbers.

Example 1: Series I (2077) & IX (2812) are Series coaches I & IX

Example 2: Series III CO (227) & VI (2727) are Cabcar Classic CabOach Series III & coach Series VI

There are 200 plus paired coach combinations available.

Click Button Image below to enlarge and open a new image window.

Some Series I combinations:

I 2077 & IICO 215

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Series I 2077 A end slightly lower than Series II CO 215 B end - Note difference in handrail sizes

ICO 209 & IV 2317

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Series I CO 209 do not have vertical handrails

I 2077 & VII 2645

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Series I 2077 B end at rivet seams and Series VII 2645 A end is much lower
Note differences in handrail sizes, paint line locaton under windows and step ladders

I 2007 & VII 2639

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Series I 2007 A end higher to Series VII 2639 B end - Note differences in handrail sizes, paint lines under windows and step ladders

I 2029 & IX 2809

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Series I 2029 B end is higher to Series IX 2809 A end (also missing gutter)- Note differences in handrail sizes, paint lines under windows and step ladders

I 2061 & IX 2832

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Series I 2061 A end higher to Series IX 2832 B end- Note differences in handrail sizes, paint lines under windows. step ladders
Some Series II combinations:

II 2109 & II 2121

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Identical size, positions and locations

II 2112 & II 2113

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Identical size, positions and locations. This photo also reveals one of the rare instances of sequential numbers when GO has 658 coaches/caboaches/cabcars in use daily (as of 18 Dec 2017)

II 2121 & III 2200

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Identical size, positons, locations

IICO 216 & IV 2338

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Identical size, postion, locations. Note paint lines under windows, step ladders identical

II 2141 & VI 2506

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With Series VI (2500s) the handrails start getting lowered and contrast clearly seen here

IICO 216 & IXCO 363

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Cabcar/caboach A ends do not have vertical handrails - Note the dual step ladder on CO 216 A end to the single step on the CC363 B end

II 2109 & IX 2835

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Series II 2109 A end higher to Series IX 2835 - note paint line location under windows and step ladder change

Some Series III combinations:

III 2248 & V 2402

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Identical size, location, position

III 2230 & V 2402

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Identical size, position, location

III 2230 & VI 2511

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Identical size, position, location

III 2242 & VI 2510

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Series III 2242 B end has higher handrail to Series VI 2510

III CO227 & VI 2516

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Series III CO 227 B end is higher than the Series VI 2516 A end

III 2242 & VII 2659

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Series III 2242 A end is higher than the Series VII 2659 B end

III 2250 & VII 2621

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Series III 2250 A end is higher than Series VII 2621 B end

Some Series IV combinations:

IV 2328 & IV 2321

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Identical size, position, location

IV 2302 & V 2451

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Idnetical size, position, location - note paint lines under windows same location now with new paint scheme

IV 2335 & VII 2602

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Series IV 2335 A end is higher to Series VII 2602 B end - note difference in paint line location under windows

IV 2304 & VII 2628

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Series IV 2304 A end is higher to Series VII 2628 B end

IV 2302 & VIII 2759

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Series IV 2302 A end higher to Series VIII 2759 B end

IV 2338 & X 4006

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Series V 2453 A end and 2403 B end identical size, position, location

Some Series V combinations:

V 2403 & V 2453

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Identical size, location, position

V 2417 & VI 2525

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Series IV 2417 A end higher to Series VI 2525

V 2435 & VI 2506

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Series IV 2435 B end higher to Series VI 2506 A ned

V 2413 & VII 2621

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Series IV 2413 B end higher to Series VII 2621 A end

V 2438 & VIII 2759

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Series IV 2438 B end higher to Series VIII 2759 A end

V 2446 & IX CC 339

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Series V 2446 A end higher to CC CEM 339 B end

Some Series VI combinations:

VI 2531 A end & II 2150 B end

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Series VI 2531 A end lower than Series II 2150 B end - Note handrail slightly longer on 2531 and paint line difference under windows

VI 2531 A end & II 2152

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Series VI 2531 A end lower than Series II 2152 B end - Note paint lines difference under windows

VI 2525 & IX 2816

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Series VI 2525 A end slightly higher than Series IX 2816 B end - Note paint lines under windows identical now

Some Series VII combinations:

VII 2602 & VIII 2742

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Series VII 2602 A end slightly higher than Series VIII 2742 B end - paint lines under windows equal now

VII 2615 & VIII 2770

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Series VII 2615 A end slightly higher than Series VIII 2770 B end

Some Series VIII combinations:

VIII 2723 & III 2233

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Series VIII 2723 A end lower to Series III 2233 B end

VIII 2705 & III CO 227

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Series 3 CO 227 do not have vertical handrails A end - note paint line difference and step ladders

Some Series IX combinations:

IX 2851 & XI 2852

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Series IX 2852 A end matches Series IX 2851 B end - NOTE: a rare pair of sequential coaches

IX CC 329 & IX 2832

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Series IX 2832 A end same height as Series IX CC CEM 329 B end

Some Series X AND XI combinations:

Series X 4000s CEMs

X 4024 & I 2069

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Series X CEM 4024 A end lower than Series I 2069 B end - note paint line under windows difference and smaller and higher and wider step ladder

X 4006 & III 2248

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Series X CEM 4006 B end much lower to Series III 2248 A end shows much higher position - NOTE: 4006 (not in this photo) is now sporting a B end number (Oct 2017) and it appears all 4000 CEMS (and new paint schemes?) will now get a B End coach number on the side ... See my webpage link: Oddities Fixes and Repairs

X 4001 & VIII 2812

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Series X CEM 4006 A end lower than Series IV 2338 B end - note paint line under windows difference and smaller and higher and wider step ladder

X 4001 & IX 2812 2779

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Series X CEM 4001 B end and Series VIII 2779 A end same size, positon, location - NOTE: Step ladder differences and inconsistent placement of GO 4001 A End side number ... See my webpage link: Oddities Fixes and Repairs

X 4017 & X 4025

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Series X CEM 4017BA end equal to Series X 4025 - note identical step ladders
Some Series XI Accessibility CEMS
XI 4500 (accessibility) & I 2040

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Series XI CEM 4500 B end lower than Series I 2040 A end - Note paint line under windows identical - difference and smaller and higher and wider step ladders
XI 4500 (accessibility) & III 2216

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Series XI CEM 4501 A end lower than Series III 2216 B end - Note paint line under windows off - different, smaller, higher, wider step ladders on 4501
XI 4500 (accessibility) & VIII 2719

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Series XI CEM 4501 B end slightly lower than Series VIII 2719 A end - Note paint line under windows even - note difference in step ladders