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My Personal Favourites


This section presents my personal favourites. No gangsta silliness for me. Plain words, or better a pciture with meaning. These meet the grade. Enjoy.

Once upon a time, Grand Funk Railroad was my favourite band. Nice to see there are other fans out there. 


Anyone you know?  

Bozo Texino is one of the more prolific masters.  


This one is an inside joke. It happens that some of us know a Greg Smith. He doesn't - as far as I know.

Another prolific tagger. I like his/her lines.

Here's hoping that Margaret makes contact. 

I'm a Conrail fan. Damn right.

Smokin' Joe remembers. A class act.

I am.....Canadian

More Favourites >>>>

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Our e-mail address: pcordingley"insert the at"

Copyright © 1996, 2005 Paul Cordingley
Revised - July 3, 2005
