The Rahway Valley Railroad
excavated this cut c.1905-1906 for their final approach into Summit
proper. The switch, just down the tracks, is for the spur to the
Summit Station. The spur curves around the foot of Overlook Mountain
to the location of the RVRR's depot.
Continuing straight
along the mainline, past the switch, will take you to the Broad
Street bridge (then called Park Avenue), which can be seen in the
distance. This early postcard view predates the connection with the
Lackawanna. The tracks that cross Broad Street essentially go
nowhere, but they may have served as a siding for the George V.
Muchmore coal yard. The piece of track across Broad Street wouldn't
become truly active until the Lackawanna connection was made in
1931, some twenty-five years after its
construction. |
to see a film clip of
#13 passing this switch connection. In color!
circa 1950's.
Collection of
| | |
Just before the Rahway Valley
Railroad crossed over Broad Street
(earlier Park Ave.) (MP 7.02), a Switch Connection
(~MP 6.97) was made with the spur track to the Summit Station which
was located along the base of Overlook Mountian. This switch
connection was located in a cut alongside the
mountain. |

#15, with Caboose 102 in tow,
works hard to bring her cut of cars up to the Lackawanna
interchange. There's a lot of stack talk going on as the engine
makes its final approach to the Broad Street bridge and the
DL&W. The track curving off to the right, along the mountain,
heads to the Summit Station.