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The following are links which you may click to, to learn more about the beginnings of certain railways in Pennsylvania. In time there will be pages within the pages that refer you to some of the men that started the railroads and the inventions in which they made to help the railroad on it's lifelong journey into the future, until then there names are just underlined.
The Beginnings of the Railroad in Pennsylvania
The Beginnings of the Pennsylvania Railroad
The Beginnings of the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie RailRoad
The Beginnings of the Reading Railroad
The Beginnings of the Union Railroad
The Beginnings of the Lehigh Valley Railroad
The Beginnings of the Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad
The South Pennsylvania Railroad
The Delaware and Hudson Canal Company
The Central Railroad of New Jersey
The Beginning of the Buffalo & Pittsburgh
The Beginning of CSX in Pennsylvania
The Beginning of Conrail in Pennsylvania
The Beginning of Norfolk Southern in Pennsylvania
The Beginning of Amtrak in Pennsylvania