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The Photo Gallery

This is where I plan to display photos of both the real "Pokey" and my N-scale version.  Well they are finally here, pictures from the model Pokey. I will try to keep them coming. Enjoy the photos.

Click on an image to get a bigger version.

NS6693.JPG (119135 bytes)

emdsd45.jpg (168533 bytes)

trn4160.jpg (640249 bytes)

FARM.JPG (139831 bytes)

SD-60's rumble into Bluefield


NS Intermodal enters Iaeger

Helpers at Farm, W. Virginia

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NS # 8607 at Hemphill Tunnel

N&W 'A'-class #1218

Me at the Throttle!

NS #6512 exits Elkhorn Tunnel

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nscooper.jpg (185173 bytes)

Some of my custom painted locomotives

NS train exits Big Sandy Tunnel

SRR #3187 One of my favorites!

Coal Train at Coopers Bridge

My thanks to the photographers who let me use their photos on this site.

Just in case you haven't figured it out yet, that SD-45 is one of my Kato conversions sitting on one of my modules. This is a little photo trick we did when I was still involved with the N-Trak club. Kind of neat isn't it? Don't worry, others have been fooled too.

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