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The Photo Gallery

This is where I plan to display photos of both the real "Pokey" and my N-scale version.  You will have to be patient as I don't own a scanner yet and it will take some  time to get my photos up. Don't forget,  I have a model railroad under construction so I need to get some work done. Come back soon.

Click on an image to get a bigger version.

NS6693.JPG (119135 bytes)

bluefield.jpg (42986 bytes)

elkhorn.jpg (185717 bytes)

FARM.JPG (139831 bytes)

SD-60's rumble into Bluefield

Bluefield Yard

C-39's at Elkhorn Tunnel

Helpers at Farm, W. Virginia

ns8607_hemphill_tunnels.jpg (155047 bytes)

NS # 8607 at Hemphill Tunnel




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