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A layout tour

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Let's take a tour of the "Pokey"


The Town of Iaeger, West Virginia

This town is built from two three-foot corner N-Trak modules with a new section that allows the mainlines to go around and through town. Iaeger is the site of a division point yard (Auville Yard)on the "Pokey", it utilizes the three N-Trak mains and several additional lines to classify and sort coal traffic coming from the coal fields. A small enginehouse and turntable are located here. Road units, pushers and mine jobs can take on fuel and sand as needed. In the future, I plan to build a model of the old steam era coaling tower that still stands sentinel over the engine service area. The town of Iaeger (pronounced Yager) is above the tracks, hidden in the rugged hills constructed of layers of styro-foam, covered in various latex paints and Woodland Scenics ground foam and other natural debris.

Elkhorn and the Pocahontas Fuel Company

Heading southeast out of  Iaeger,the tracks curve through the Hemphill tunnels and emerge on the other side of a large ridge at the town of Elkhorn. This townsite is not based on any one location on the real "pokey". It is really an accumulation of ideas borrowed from various towns which I sort of lumped together. I just happen to like the name Elkhorn too! There are two coal loaders at Elkhorn, one loads coal trucked in from the surrounding mines, the other, the Pocahontas Fuel Company loader is built directly over a mine head, it grades and cleans coal that is brought up from deep underground. The structures here are mostly scratchbuilt or kit-bashed. I have always tried to avoid using the same  kits over and over. Ideas for most of the scratchbuilt structures come from a very fine volume, Appalachian Coal Mines and Railroads. If forced to use kits purchased at the hobby-shop, I try to make modifications that change the kits appearance so that it catches the viewers attention. As we leave Elkhorn the tracks climb towards the hidden staging yard.

Hidden Staging

If I had my way tracks would have encircled the entire basement, but the usual stuff accumulated over the years by two people sometimes takes more space than one can imagine. Also hotwater tanks, washing machines and other appliances take up valuable trackage space. We reached a compromise of sorts...its called the hidden staging yard and it occupies an area 8 to 10 feet long by only 18 inches wide. With the addition of some needed space the yard will now sit at the end of  ten to twelve foot run of mainline. The yard itself will be un-scenicked as it is considered off-stage. This is where all traffic on my Pokey is generated and recieved. There will be  ten yard tracks which allow me to store enough trains to keep traffic interesting. I run several merchandise trains plus an inter-modal hotshot or two,  and the main reason for this railroad... COAL TRAINS!!!

To the Mines

When the tracks depart Iaeger in a southerly direction they immediately cross over the Tug Fork and  the main lines, climbing to enter the rugged hills. The twisting climb represents the Dry Fork Branch which will finish at the large loader owned by the Atomic Fuel Company. There are other loaders along the way but they only provide a few carloads compared to the amount of coal delivered by the Atomic Fuel mine. Four tracks serve this large facility which is  entirely built from scratch, with bits thrown in from the scrap-box for detail. The site will include the power plant, machine shop, company store and of course company houses for the miners and their families.

Future plans

I hope to add a return loop at the far end of the layout that will allow me to move trains in and out of  the staging yard from both directions and re-create traffic coming  from west of  Iaeger and east of  Bluefield. I also want to construct some interchange tracks so I can have my Clinchfield units visit occaisionally. A recent survey of my space in the basement uncovered a future site for an industrial area, perhaps a steel mill or coal docks at a deep sea port. The space is currently occupied by an old workbench and boxes. I plan to do a serious cleaning out of this area in the spring and maybe I can convince Kathleen that all that coal needs a place to go!


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