this article will mainly focus on the possible "where-abouts" of the
four parlor-style Skytop cars, it should be noted that the six
sleeper-style cars were used by the Milwaukee Road on the Olympian Hiawatha
for just over a decade. They were pulled from service in 1961 and sold
to the Canadian National in 1964, which re-named them "Skyview cars";
they were mainly used on the CN's Halifax to Montreal service trains
from 1965 to 1969, including the Ocean Limited and the Scotian.
Canadian National also used the cars on the Montreal-Toronto corridor
in 1969. They were then moved to the Canadian National's Gaspe-Montreal
and Jasper-Prince Rupert routes until they were withdrawn from service
in September 1971. Sadly, these beautiful cars ended up being no longer
complaint with Canadian fire regulations (due to have only having just
one exit door). As a result, two of the sleeper-style Skytop cars (Alder Creek and Spanish Creek)
were scrapped in Canada; the other four were sold off to private rail
car operators back in the United States. According to other TrainWeb
sites dealing with Skytop Lounges, Marble Creek was sold to a private car collected in Pennsylvania, but also ended up being scrapped at some point. The cut-up shells of Arrow Creek and Gold Creek
are now located at the Milwaukee Road Heritage Center in Montevideo,
Minnesota, following a failed attempt to turn them into a "floating
restaurant" that was to be called the S.S. Lansdowne. Meanwhile, a 2014
Trains Magazine post reports that funds are being raised by Iowa Pacific to fully restore Coffee Creek for service on the back of Amtrak trains in the future; the car reportedly remains at their repair facility in Alamosa, Iowa.