Chicago - Syracuse - Toronto - Jasper - Prince Rupert - Sitka
By Robert & Kandace Tabern, Email:
Published: November 15, 2017
above map shows our "Rail & Sail" journey that we took from
Chicago, Illinois to Sitka, Alaska between September 9-18, 2017. Red marks the Amtrak "Lake Shore Limited" route we took from Chicago to Syracuse, New York; orange marks the Amtrak/VIA "Maple Leaf" route we took from Syracuse to Toronto, Ontario; yellow marks the VIA "Canadian" route from Toronto to Jasper, Alberta; green marks the VIA "Skeena" route from Jasper to Prince Rupert, British Columbia; and, finally, blue marks the route of the Alaska State Ferry we took Prince Rupert to Sitka, Alaska.
This article will be presented in the following four parts:
We hope you enjoyed the first
part of our journey that we posted back on November 1st, 2017. If
this is the first time you are reading this article series, it is about
our journey by rail and ferry from Chicago to Alaska that we did a few
months ago. Use the links above to read the first part of our series
explaining how we got from Chicago to Toronto. We will now pick up with
arriving at Toronto Union Station.
After getting off the Maple Leaf,
we walked into Toronto Union Station and were greeted there by our
friend Mike who would be flying home the following day after deciding
to scrub his run on the Canadian with
us. (As we explained in the first part of our article series, the
inbound train equipment was 10 hours late and the same was fore casted
to happen to our train, too, so our traveling companion decided to
change his plans and not go, due to a tight connection he had in
We checked into the VIA First Class Lounge and was told that crews were
working hard to try and turn-around the train and they were going to
aim for a 12:30am boarding and an 1:00am departure. They said a service
manager would be out around 11:00pm with an update. We grabbed a salad
and sandwich from the food court and just hung out and talked with Mike
for a while in the lounge. The VIA front desk agent mentioned that the
best selection for souvenirs for VIA would be at the lounge there in
Toronto – so we picked up all of the VIA goodies that we wanted –
including a backpack, route guide book, route guide fold-out maps, a
VIA lanyard, and even a VIA teddy bear. We would highly recommend
you check out the selection and make your purchases here – some items
were available on board and at smaller stations – but you never know
what was going to be sold out or not available.
Kandace with the arrival board at Toronto Union Station showing our train now had a 1:00am estimated departure

The VIA sign board showing our Canadian train would be departing at least 3 hours late out of Toronto

The VIA Toronto Lounge - most people are up as the clock struck Midnight, still waiting for the delayed Canadian departure
When we saw the VIA service manager arrive around 11:00pm in the
First Class Lounge we knew that was a good sign that our departure
would not be delayed much longer. One of the problems is that
with limited equipment, VIA’s Canadian
makes a same-day turn in Toronto. The train normally gets in
around 9am and leaves at 10pm – giving 13 hours of time for
turn-around. Of course when there is a major delay going east, the
westbound trip is going to be delayed a bit. It would be nice if some
equipment could be kept in Toronto, but since the Canadian
can be 25 or more cars long at times, that would require a lot of extra
cars to just sit around most of the time in Toronto. Sometimes on
Amtrak in Chicago, Amtrak is able to put together enough spare
equipment to assemble a new outbound train set for an extremely delayed
inbound train. Not the case for VIA in Toronto and the Canadian. The Canadian seems
to be mainly a Vancouver-based train with major maintenance and other
work going on there. It never sits in Toronto more than a few hours to
turn-around in the yards. Sub sandwiches were brought it to the
lounge and reservations were handed out for the following day’s meal
times from the lounge just before the stroke of Midnight. We took
advantage of the delay to explore the lounge a little bit – and noticed
the separate waiting area that was available for the new VIA “Prestige
Class” (more on this later!). Around 12:20am, the boarding call
was made – with our journey on the westbound Canadian beginning just
after 1:00am.
With the delay – I guess that technically takes us into the third day of the trip now (Sunday, September 10th).
Before “calling it a night” though in Toronto, let’s take a minute out to discuss the various accommodations on VIA’s Canadian
– because they do differ a lot from what one might have experienced
only riding on Amtrak in the past. Let’s start at the “top” and
work out way “down” the various options you will get to experience on
the Canadian. In the past
year or two, VIA introduced something called Prestige Class. This is
the highest priced option but of course offers the most personalized
service of any option on the train. Note that the four-night trip from
Toronto to Vancouver can cost between $8,000 and $9,000 CDN for two
people in the new VIA Prestige Class. Prices may be somewhat lower than
that in off-peak images. Discounts are few and far between here.
Prestige Class rooms were created by renovating old sleeping cars and
also old Park Cars (the round-ended observation cars which are placed
at the rear of some trains, including the Canadian)
into a true luxurious experience. Before the renovation process,
there were four bedrooms (three double bedrooms and one triple bedroom)
in the Park Car (we were lucky enough to snag one of these during a May
2014 trip). After turning some of the Park Cars into “Prestige
Park Cars” there is now only one Prestige bedroom and one accessible
Prestige bedroom. If you are looking for a Prestige Class Room in
the Park Car, the best advice is to book super early and request that
room for yourself at the time of your reservation. This is the
best space on the entire train! Even though the price tag
was out of our reach for now, this service is apparently really taking
off. There was two Prestige Sleepers (with 6 rooms on them each)
and the Prestige Park Car on our train. All rooms were sold out
and the new Prestige Service was so popular, we were not even able to
get a peek inside any of the rooms for our TrainWeb article. Speaking
to some of the Prestige travelers, we were told that the TV’s in the
room did not get actual over-the-air reception and were used to show
movies on flash drives and DVD’s mainly. We still don’t know who
would rather watch movies than look out their window on a train trip –
but to each their own, egh? A couple of other quick notes –
some travelers spoke of a possible two night minimum for booking a
Prestige Room – so it’s not something you can try for a couple of hours
really; check into this if you can. Meals are the same as regular
sleeping car passengers, but we were also told that alcohol was
included for the duration of your trip. Finally, passengers in
Prestige Class have exclusive access to the Prestige Park Car
(round-end observation car) until 2:00PM every day. And after
that, the first few rows of the dome car in the Prestige Park Car are
reserved for Prestige passengers throughout the day. The three
sleeping car attendants rotate turns running the bar in the Prestige
Park Car. (More on our experience and the Prestige Park Car
coming up later on!)
Sticking to our discussion here on accomodations – besides
Prestige there are three other choices available. There are private
bedrooms for one person and private bedrooms for two people. These have
an actual door that close and you have a private room with a
private bathroom. Prices tend to vary for bedrooms depending on when
you’re going on the trip. Of course, prices are the most reasonable
during off-peak periods – but if you are going for the scenery –
remember that the sunrise doesn’t happen until 9am and sunset happens
before 4pm during the heart of winter in some parts of Canada.
Regardless, meals are included in the dining car and you do have a
private space for your bags during the day. Often times the price
for ONE bedroom for two or TWO bedrooms for one are the same. You may
want to think about two bedrooms for one if you don’t want one person
having to sleep in the top bunk. The first trip we did together
on the Canadian in May 2014 we got one bedroom for two and it worked
out pretty well.
This bring us to the most economical option that is still considered “sleeping car” class on VIA’s Canadian (and
still has meals included in the dining car!). These are the
“berths”. Basically during the day, these are two large seats
that face one another – and at night – they fold down into two bunks
that are only separated from the hallway by a thick fabric curton
shared bathrooms and showers. If you are traveling alone,
you can book an “upper berth” or a “lower berth”. The “Upper
Berth” tends to be just a tad cheaper because you have to climb up and
down a small latter to get into and out of your bed (including when you
have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night! – however this is
not really much different than the upper bunk in the bedrooms).
The upper berth is also a little less expensive is because there is no
window to look out of when the beds are down. Anyway, when two people
are traveling together they can book an combined upper/lower berth.
As mentioned, when we did our May 2014 trip on the Canadian, we
chose to go with the bedroom for two. While it was nice, we found that
we spent almost the entire day in one of the dome cars watching the
scenery or talking with fellow passengers in the lounge area located in
the lower level of the dome. Having a bedroom was nice for the
security of our luggage, but we almost felt guilty paying so much for a
full bedroom and never being in there except for the time we spent
sleeping. So, this time around, to save a little bit of
money, we decided to try the upper/lower berth combo. We booked
the #1 upper and lower berth combo in the #110 car. There are
three upper and lower berths in each car – and being in the #110 car –
our berths were literally just steps away into the next car for
meals. (We will have more on our thoughts on our decision to go
with berths coming up later – including the pros and cons)
The other option for the Canadian
is of course – coach. It’s your basic, standard seat… but of
course the most economical way to travel. Meals must be
purchased. During the “peak season”, folks traveling in coach can not
even get a meal time in the traditional dining car. You still get
one dome car to enjoy the sites with when going with coach, but the two
other dome cars we had for sleeping car passengers and the Prestige
Park Car were totally “off limits” to coach passengers.
Now that you have a better look at the accomodations, we will call it a night here in Toronto!
sleeping car is positioned literally at "Milepost 0" at Toronto Union
Station; boarding is taking place here between 12:30am and 1:00am

Kandace is ready for bed -- at it's almost 1:30am by the time we boarded and our bunks were put down. Good night, sleepy head!
If we were going to “sum up” the views you get on the Canadian, the best way to do it is with the word VARIETY.
Going westbound, the first full day is spent entirely in Ontario.
Get prepared for a lot of trees and small lakes and rivers out your
window; there are some small railroad towns and fishing camps that dot
the horizon every now and then. If Minnesota is the land of 10,000
lakes, then Northern Ontario where the VIA train goes has to be the
land of 1,000,000 lakes! The second day (going west)
includes a late morning stop in Winnipeg. If there train is “on time”,
you will almost have 4 hours here… and you can even consider taking an
optional bus tour of the city while the train is being serviced. The
rest of the day is spent going across the farm land and prairie of
Manitoba and Sasaketechwan. The third day (going west) is the
transition from plains to the Rocky Mountains. You will begin
your journey through the Rockies about an hour east of Jasper. If
you continue beyond Jasper, there are more mountains and you arrive at
the “end of the line” in Vancouver the next morning. But, again,
varied scenery by day is what people notice when they take the Canadian
– forest land/lakes, farms/prairies, and then mountains.
Due to not getting to sleep until 1:30am (due to late departure
from Toronto), we slept until around 8:00am on Sunday morning.
Breakfast was being served until the “last call” at 8:30am. We dragged
ourselves out of bed and into the dining car – enjoying some delicious
pumpkin spice pancakes. They were down right tasty and made for us
aboard the train – and served with fresh pure Canadian maple
syrup. Meals are something that are very special on VIA’s
Canadian. While Amtrak’s dining car service has seen major cuts in
recent years (especially on east coast trains) VIA continues to shine
with real china, food freshly prepared by chefs on the train, and
amazing service. It might not be advertised, but if you ask for a
second helping of something, you will generally get it in the dining
car on VIA if they still have that food item in stock. A second helping
of toast or bacon is just ask away. Plus there is no charge –
while my experience has been on Amtrak that you will get charged if you
desire an extra portion of something.
Breakfast is served somewhere in Northern Ontario -- a look at the dining car aboard the Canadian.

Our hearty breakfast on the morning of the first day on the Canadian - fresh cooked pumpkin pancakes, bacon, and fruit.
Even though we were a little tired, we decided to participate in
some of the exciting morning activites planned for passengers by Erin,
the Canadian Activites Director. Entertaining passnegers is also
something VIA accels at very well. Amtrak used to offer some
similar options to travelers, but most of them were cut out in the late
1980’s or early 1990’s unfortunately. We both played bingo in the lower
level of the dome car at 9:30am (we did very well winning 5 games!)…
prizes included post cars and key chains. This was followed by a
10:00am talk called “Railroad 101”. Erin explained some of the
meaning of the signals and things we would see trackside for the next
few days. Even though we knew most of what was in her presentation,
there is no doubt those who were not frequent railroad travelers would
find most helpful. Other examples on activies offered on the Canadian
include additional talks about the areas we were going through and
beer/wine tastings, etc. In the afternoon of the first day,
we attended another presentations about the animals and trees of
Northern Ontario. We even learned to spot the difference between a
birch and a poplar tree!
A talk about Canada by Activites Coordinator Erin -- we learned that Canada had 60% of the world's lakes!

Kandace playing a game of "Bingo" in the lower level of the dome car on the morning of the first day of our trip

Passengers see a lot of small lakes and woods on the first day of the westbound Canadian
Despite warnings of possible major delays ahead due to heavy
freight traffic, we really did not encounter it in on the Canadian
National owned lines in Northern Ontario during our first full day on
the Canadian.
Throughout Sunday, we were slowly making up some of the three hours we
were behind schedule. The crew even said if we were able to keep
up at this pace, we would almost be on-time out of Winnipeg. (We
felt bad for our friend Mike who canceled thinking that he would be
likely be very late into Vancouver at the end of the line!) There
were a couple of smoke stops along the way through Northern Ontario,
but mainly we just enjoyed the view of the many lakes, small towns, and
So, you might be wondering – how did the upper/lower berth combo
work out for us for the three nights we were aboard? Actually,
amazingly well, and yes – we would do it again when we are looking for
the amazing ride but to save some money over the cost of a bedroom! The
size (width) of the berths are actually bigger than the beds in the
bedrooms on the train. This is a little-known and
little-advertised fact, probably for the fact that VIA wants people to
book the more expsnive bedrooms. Anyway… for Night #1 and Night
#2 on the train… we actually were able to sleep next to one other on
the lower berth and use the upper berth for our bag storage. The
beds in the bedroom are definitely not wide enough for two people. It’s
do-able in the berths if you don’t mind being a little tight. We
experimented with sleeping in separate berths on the final night – with
Kandace taking the bottom berth and Robert taking the top berth.
Both of us slept well this way too – and there was room for both Robert
and some of our bags in the upper berth (there is room under the beds
for some of the smaller bags and shoes). Our biggest concern when
booking the berth option was that Robert is a very light sleeper and is
awoken by even the slightest noise. The berths only have a curton
separate the beds from the hallway, so there was some concern
there. In the end, the curtain was definitely enough to hold out
the minimal amount of noise and light that was present in the hallway
during the overnight hours. Yes, even for a light sleeper.
The mattresses on VIA were a lot thicker than Amtrak’s and made for a
very comfortable night.
What our berths looked like during the day converted to seats
One recommendation that we would like to share with our TrainWeb
friends after booking the berths on the Canadian is try and go for
upper/lower berth #3 when making your reservations. #1 and #2 are
right across the hall from each other and can be a noisy depending on
who your neighbor is. Plus, having two latters sticking into the
hallway can make things a little tight when people are passing
by. #3 though has a storage area used by the sleeping car
attendant across the hall from it – meaning there is no one sleeping
there. This makes #3 even quieter than the #1 or #2 berths.
You’re welcome!
By now, you are probably wondering what the consist of the
Canadian looked like. The stark difference between Amtrak and VIA is
two things --- the size of the train and also what makes up the
train. Coach seems to be the most popular means of transportation
on Amtrak, while sleeping cars are by far the most popular on VIA’s
Canadian service. That likely makes sense since most Amtrak
long-distance trains in the west are only two nights in length, while
those traveling from Toronto to Vancouver will be on the Canadian for
four nights. With not a lot of large stops, the Canadian also seemed to
feature travelers going longer distances than Amtrak trains (due to the
remoteness of Canada vs. the USA). Leaving Toronto, in order from
front to back, we had: 3 engines, 1 baggage car, 2 coaches, 1 dome
car/lounge for coach passengers, 1 dome car/lounge for sleeping
passengers, 1 diner, 8 sleeping cars, another dome car/lounge for
sleeping car passengers, another diner, 2 Prestige Class sleepers, and
the Prestige Park Car. Yes, that is over 20 cars and only two
were coach cars. Sleeping car passengers who were towards the
front of the train were assigned one diner, while those at the back of
the train and those in Prestige Class were assigned the rear dining
car. Sleeping car passengers could go to one of three dome cars at any
time – including the coach dome or the two sleeper domes. Those
in sleeper class could also access the round-ended observation/dome
Prestige Park Car between 2:00pm and 6:00am every day (even though the
first few rows of the dome car in the Prestige Park Car were always
reserved for Prestige Class passengers regardless of the time of day).
Our train had three "Skyline" dome cars - one was for coach passengers and two were for sleeping car passengers

addition to the three "Skyline" dome cars, it also contained a Park Car
at the end of the train which was open to sleeping car passengers after
2:00pm (or Prestige Class travelers 24/7)

A look at the interior of the refurished Park Car's bullet lounge at the end of the train

Another view of the refurbished Park Car on the Canadian

The downstairs lounge of the refurbished Park Car with stairs leading up to the dome portion of the car

upstairs dome of the Park Car; even though it was open to all sleeper
passengers after 2:00pm, the front rows of the dome car were still
reserved for Prestige Passengers

A look at the refurbished bar area of the Park Car (formerly the "Mural Lounge" area)
And no, that wasn’t all. In Edmonton, a Panorama Car was
added that has floor-to-top windows. VIA owns three of these modern
cars (with the outside painted green and white) after purchasing them
when BC Rail ended passenger service back about 15 or 20 years
ago. Since VIA only has three cars, there aren’t enough for them
to go all the way across the country on the Canadian so they are added (going west) or taken off (going east) at Edmonton, Alberta. Two are used for this purpose on the Canadian
and one is used on one consist of the Jasper-Prince Rupert train during
the summer when Touring Class is offered (more on this later!).
We were not really a fan of the Panorama Cars because while the
floor-to-ceiling windows were nice, the seat backs were too high in our
opinion. Viewing was really better in the traditional dome
cars. Some extra sleeping cars were added in Edmonton too,
as we were told a large group of travelers would be getting on in
Jasper and riding to Vancover. We were surprised by this because a
large amount of travelers were getting off in Jasper anyway, including
Cars on the Canaadian are switched out at Edmonton, Alberta to add the Sightseeing Panorama Car

The Panorama Car is added on the train between Edmonton and Vancouver

A look inside the Panorama Car - we much preffered the dome car because the high seats made viewing ahead really difficult
Even though we left Toronto three hours late, we made up all of
that time by Winnipeg’s scheduled departure time with pad in the
schedules and good fortune. Unfortunately there was not enough time in
Winnipeg itself for the bus tour option that is offered. When the train
is on-time, a company offers guided bus tours of the city for $30.
Included is a tour of the Maintoba Parliament Building and some
beautiful gardens. It’s recommened if there is time (the train can’t be
late!) and it peaks your interest. With our hour, we walked over to the
Forks Market, which was right next to the station. It has numerous
shops, including souveniers about Canada, but we ended up not buying
Kandace poses for the VIA sign at Winnipeg, Manitoba; we only had about an hour layover here because of the delayed train

poses with VIA Engine #6424; this engine actually came off the Canadian
in Jasper and followed us all of the way to Prince Rupert

We walked over to the Forks Market next to the station in Winnipeg during our layover

The view from the dome car departing Winnipeg, Manitoba

La Prairie, about an hour west of Winnipeg, is where the train line to
Churchill, Maintoba breaks off (for the polar bear viewing trains)
While the eastern half of Canada did not seem to have a lot of
freight train traffic, Western Canada is a completely different story
and had a major impact on our trip going forward on both the Canadian
and the Jasper-Prince Rupert train. Things were looking up
a bit when we were able to make up the three hours and leave Winnipeg
on-time… however by the time we crossed into Saskatechwan, Canadian
National’s dispatching caused us to lose several hours again. By
talking to crews, we learned one of the biggest problems is that
freight trains are growing massive in size, with some 200+ cars being
pulled on one train. The sidings are not meant to handle such large
trains currently. This means that when the Canadian and a freight train have to meet one another – it is often the Canadian
that gets put in the siding – even when it’s running on-time or is in
its allotted slot. Maybe sidings are longer in the United States?
Or there is more political pressure to run better on-time trains in the
USA? Several times in eastern Sasketchawan, our train was
put into a siding with another freight train ahead of us – meaning when
the other train passed – our train had to back out of the siding and go
around the second train. These problems caused us to skip seeing
Saskatoon and going to bed before we arrived there.
A high trestle in Western Manitoba; the scenery reminded us of the Empire Builder going through North Dakota

A beautiful sunset from the dome car near the Manitoba/Saskatchewan border on the night of Monday, September 11, 2017
The morning of Tuesday, September 12th marked our last few hours on the Canadian.
Going westbound, this day features a continental breakfast in the
dining car from 6:30am-8:30am and then a brunch which is served from
9:30am to 12:30pm. The reasoning behind this we were told is two fold –
first, there would be problems with serving a full breakfast as they
are trying to hook on the Panorama Car in Edmonton with power being cut
during the switching process. But, even more so, if the train was
on-time into Jasper, not everyone could get fed lunch before the 1:00pm
arrival there. And, of course, Jasper is a very popular jumping-off
point for westbound travelers like us.
When we woke up on Tuesday, we noted that the Canadian
was now back to being between three and four hours behind schedule .
This allowed us to eat some continental breakfast before watching crews
switch on the Panorama Car (and extra dead-head sleepers) at Edmonton
around 9:30am. The crew also informed us that we would be getting
to Jasper around 4:30pm instead of the scheduled 1:00pm time. The
original plan was to get off the train at 1:00pm, rent a car at the
Jasper train station, and head down to the Columbia Ice Fields (about 1
hour and 15 minutes south of Jasper) and participate in some tours of
the glaciers down there at 4:30pm. There was no way we were going to
make it down in time before the tour center closed so we called and
canceled the reservations we had. We decided to keep the rental car and
enjoy a scenic ride through the park – which would very manageable.
The VIA Rail sign at Edmonton, Alberta

At Edmonton, we noted some of the VIA sleeping cars still had "ghost images" left over from their Canadian Pacific days - here is the shield and beaver of the CP logo

The Great Plains finally give way to the Canadian Rockies a few hours west of Edmonton, Alberta

Enjoying a 'toast' in the dome car with our glasses of ice wine

Enjoying some wine in our VIA glass as we begin to travel through the Canadian Rockies

Kandace enjoys views of the Canadian Rockies from the dome car

A storm begins to roll in as we cross into the Canadian Rockies, view from the dome car

The towering Canadian Rockies and a river, seen from the train (sorry about the dirty window!)

Our train was nearly 25 cars long by the time it made its way snaking through the Canadian Rockies

The train passes through several tunnels east of Jasper

What a scenic siding - meeting a Canadian National freight train in the Canadian Rockies.

Red signals in a siding with the Rocky Mountains in the background
It should be noted that the onboard service crews switch out at
Winnipeg. So you have one set of dining car workers, managers, and
sleeping car attendants from Toronto to Winnipeg – and then another set
from Winnipeg to your final destination (all the way through
Vancouver). Outstanding VIA employees on our Canadian trip were
Erin, the Toronto-Winnipeg Activites Coordinator and Martin, the
Winnipeg-Vancouver Prestige Park Car attendant.
The final hour on the Canadian was enjoyed in the dome car
watching the journey through the Rocky Mountains just east of Jasper.
Kandace gets served some ice wine in the Park Car by our favorite attendant, Martin
We arrived into Jasper around 4:30pm and proceeded to rent a car
from Hertz. We did a 24-hour rental with them booked in advance online
and experienced great customer service. The Hertz counter is located
right inside the Jasper VIA station (I believe there is also a National
Car Rental Counter there, too!) Be sure and be one of the
first people off the train if you are renting a car because sometimes
lines can be quite long. Knowing this, we were first in line and
got our car in just a matter of minutes.
With our original plans of taking a guided tour of the Columbia
Ice Fields being canceled due to the late train, we decided to try and
get ahead of the Canadian to get video of it passing by on its way out
of town. Looking at the GPS, we found there was a great location
to get our video about 12 miles west of Jasper, down a gravel road,
very close to the Alberta-British Columbia border. There would be
plenty of time to wait here and see the Canadian pass by, as there were
plans to switch out one of the engines in Jasper and also add on a
dead-heading Park Car that needed to get to Vancouver. After
patiently waiting for 30 minutes we finally got the video we wanted for
the now 29-car train (if you include the engines)… it was pretty cool.
Since there would be daylight for about another three hours still
after getting the video, we decided to head down and explore as much of
Jasper National Park that we could. One of the “must see” stops was at
Athabasca Falls – a very fast moving and beautiful waterfall. We
decided to do the scenic drive down the Icefields Parkway (Alberta
Highway 93) and were able to make it down to the Columbia Ice Fields
before sunset. Because it was after Labor Day, the guided tours ended
at 5:00pm. We were unable to do that, but were still able to see the
glaciers and learn about them from the many interpretive signs along
the way. The experience was quite humbling because signs indicated how
much the glacier retreated in recent years. The earth getting
warmer (whether it’s from global warming or whatever you believe) is
definitely going on as evidence by the retreating glaciers of the
Columbia Ice Field. We were hoping to see more animals on our sunset
drive back up to Jasper, but didn’t see much. We spent the night at the
Athabasca Hotel in Jasper, which is with-in walking distance of the VIA
station for those who are not interested in renting a vehicle.
It should be noted that the layover in Jasper between the Canadian
and the Jasper-Prince Rupert train is a minimum of 23 hours and 45
minutes. Without really being told this – I have a feeling this is done
on purpose by VIA to prevent travelers from trying to make a same-day
connection between the two trains. As we learned with a late
Canadian, this isn’t really possible to make this a guaranteed
connection. And, honestly, after four nights in a row on the train, we
were looking forward to a bed that didn’t move.
We got up early the next morning – Wednesday, September 13th – in
hopes of having a better chance of spotting wildlife. One of the
service managers aboard the Canadian who was familiar with Jasper
suggested that we should go and check out the Fort Point area of town.
Apparently it was “mating season” for elk and they were quite active
there in the morning with their courtship practices. After a quick
breakfast, we arrived in Fort Point around 8:00am and it was not to
disappoint! Several female and male elk were spotted in the water
and fields around here. The real treat was seeing several male
elk with beautiful racks – and hearing their calls.
Our next and final stop before catching the train was at the
Jasper Tramway. We heard from several people this was a “must do” in
town. The tram takes travelers to an elevation of over 7,000 feet
and provides stunning views of the region. Not wanting to be late
for our 12:45pm train, we caught one of the first trams to the top
right after the ticket office opened at 10:00am. As expected, the
views were stunning. An added “treat” was the fact that it was
snowing at the top of the mountain! Who doesn’t like snow in
September, right? After building a “summer snowman” we
enjoyed some hot chocolate and a lunch of locally-made elk meatloaf at
the restaurant. From there it was back down the mountain
and returning the rental car at the station.

Robert and Kandace are all bundled up for their journey to 7,000 feet and the top of the Jasper SkyTram

Kandace shivers as she experiences snow and 29 degrees in the summer aboard the top of the mountain at Jasper

Beautiful elk spotted around Jasper on the morning of Wednesday, September 13, 2017
We hope you enjoyed the second part of this article and our journey together on the Canadian from Toronto to Jasper via Winnipeg and Edmonton. Back in Jasper and just about to hop on the former Skeena train
to Prince Rupert is a pretty good stopping point for now. Come back on
December 1st, 2017 and we'll upload the third part of this series,
where we take you to the Pacific Coast by train.