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Canadian Pacific Railway Ottawa West and Ottawa Terminal Train Order 1955
Steam prevails in this scene! Circa 1955. CSTM Stowell 113-4 A very old picture of Ottawa Union from the Laurier
Avenue bridge looking north towards the Chateau Laurier with the
3426 and 2820 on the shop track at Ottawa West. Note the OCS wooden gon for sand service. Two scenes at Britannia passsing
the Ottawa Transportation Commission streetcar shelter accessed by a
pedestrian bridge. Extra 428 West bound for Smiths Falls. Note the immaculate grounds.
OTC streetcars ended May 3, 1959. Two photographs of 3417 assisting 3690 with train of empties for coal
service Prescott.
M4g 3528 assisting 2229 with coal hoppers to Prescott. Hail! Hail! The gang's all here. 241 on the table at
old Ottawa West roundhouse. Circa 1890 Kevin Day Collection Numbering series III in numerical order A1e 30 CP New Shops 1066 9/1887
Ottawa West 1/10/1941 Floyd Yates Movie version of 30 carrying
two numbers including 80 easily repainted 8 to 3 or reverse! D4g 419 (CPR 3/1915) sitting on outbound shop track ready for Waltham
passenger in afternoon. 6/01/1940 425 (First D4 class) CPR 11/1912 Ottawa 10/15/1958 J.R.Quinn D4g 433 has arrived off #91, the Rigaud Wayfreight and
will back over to the roundhouse and the crew will book off duty. Addy Schwalm/L.B. Chapman Collection D4g 449 was the regular Waltham passenger engine in the late 1940's, and here he is about to cross the Alexandra/Interprovincial bridge heading to Hull with his train #543. Addy Schwalm/L.B. Chapman Collection D4g 449 on the Waltham passenger train flying white extra
flags. It is April 1946, and the Interprovincial Bridge was closed due
to a fire at the E. B. Eddy plant in Hull at the north end of the bridge.
The bridge was closed for repairs for some time, D4g 471 is heading west onto the Carleton Place Subdivision
from the yard, and then will to back over to Hull West D4g 472 running extra at this point is pulling westward towards the Carleton Place Subdivision just past Ottawa West station. After securing a clearance and the staff, he will back over the Prince of Wales Bridge to Hull West, and start his westward journey as #95 to Waltham. Before Wamo was constructed in early 1957, freight trains for Waltham had to back over to/from Hull West to/from Ottawa West, then head west as #95, returning eastward as #96. Addy Schwalm/L.B. Chapman Coll. 473 all coaled up by the old chutes which were replaced
in early 1950's. D10h 1110 second last D10. CLC 1146 12/1913 Ottawa West c.1950 G5b 1219 (MLW 10/1945) leaving Ottawa Union with #559/263,
the afternoon Pool
G5b 1226 (MLW 73743 10/1945) Taking water on a wet day late in August 1958. Ian Taylor 1227 blocking the level crossing in Westboro Mile 1.9 Carleton Place
Sub. Train is either 563 to Brockville or G5c 1261 (CLC 11/1946) at Ottawa Union with the barracks
behind across the Rideau Canal. 1265 on the shop track Ottawa West July 1947 Stan Styles/Bruce Chapman Collection G5c 1267 (CLC 1/1947) at Ottawa Union, north of the
Laurier Avenue bridge, G1 class 2207 and a smoke-deflectored engine, likely
a G3 class 2300. L.B.Chapman Collection Very unusual, but the odd time the shop would put engines
out through pit #23 to head out for a train G3 2399, Ottawa West, 07/08/1955, photo by W.M.Hayes/L.B.Chapman
Collection It is early morning, and 2399 is just arriving for servicing at the shop after arriving at Ottawa Union on the overnight pool train from Toronto, either #24 (via Trenton) or #34 (via Havelock). Our poor old crippled switchtender Bill Burgess will line the switch back for the main line of the M&O/Carleton Place Subdivision after 2399 clears. Note: Men injured on duty were given preference for switchtender, baggageman, crossing watchman or gateman postions. G3 Class 2401 (2461) near the old coal chutes soon to
be replaced. G3h 2459 (CLC 3/1945) sitting at Ottawa Union with #504/234
to Montreal in the afternoon; old post office behind engine. G3j 2467 (MLW 6/1948) leaving Ottawa Union with the
afternoon train #504/234
This dramatic shot of G3 class 2468 shows Number 83 enroute to Smiths Falls at Eagleson Road in Kanata Mile 11 Carleton Place Sub. on a Saturday, likely in the Summer of 1950 with sunset fast approaching. A John Street assigned passenger locomotive it would lay over in Ottawa as No. 23 did not operate on Saturdays. Ottawa West roundhouse would "borrow" this fine locomotive. Aubrey Mattingley/Bruce Chapman Collection 2512 2624 stopped at Ottawa West. 1954 Al Paterson 2822 with #232 (note CNR car second from rear) at Deep
Cut east end of Ottawa Union Station due to depart 7.55 A.M. Daily except
Sunday non-stop to Montreal. Stopping at Montreal West, Westmount and
due to arrive Windsor Station at 9.55 A.M. 7/1958 Joseph Testagrose
Collection #232 at Deep Cut heading to Montreal. That’s the Rideau Canal to the left of the engine; he’s crossing over from the CNR Alexandria Subdivision to the CPR M&O Subdivision. Don’t know what that car right behind the engine is, probably ‘storage’ mail for Montreal. #232 had an RPO, baggage, 2 coaches and 2 parlours, one of them a buffet parlour with dining service and the other a CNR car having a drawing room. 2822 made all but four of the 31 roundtrips during July including 236 Sunday evenings to Montreal operated in place of the morning 232. Missed trips: Monday the 7th and 14th 2859 dispatched. 21st. 2821 and on the 28th. 2826. L B C H1c Royal Hudson 2828 (MLW 10/1937) leaving Ottawa Union for Montreal. L. B. Chapman Collection Last H1d Royal Hudson 2859. Happy 20th.birthday!
MLW 69109 8/1938 2927 arrived on the shop track Ottawa West. c.1950 Addy Schwalm/Bruce Chapman Collection This Jubilee was used on about as diverse a variety of passenger trains imaginable. It regularly handled the Ottawa-Maniwaki branch passenger with three wooden cars. It frequently doubleheaded (see below) No. 559 the Ottawa-Brockville Pool train on Fridays and Sundays. The most unique train it handled in the 1940's and 50's was the "Parliamentary Special" a late Friday night four-car train from Ottawa to Montreal with a through sleeper for Quebec City. Only Parliamentarians could ride this train and they all had passes! 2927 and 2200 doubleheading Number 559 the Ottawa-Smiths Falls-Brockville Pool train passing Ottawa West roundhouse. Although not a big train (7-10 cars), on Fridays and Sundays it was doubleheaded due to the difficult Nepean hill grade in both directions on a light branchline prohibiting heavier engines. This line, the Brockville Subdivision was built on a big swamp! What is also unusual is the fact 2927 (built 2/1938) is hand-fired while the much older (4/1906) G1 class 2200 was equipped with a stoker around the time of this photograph. c.1950 Addy Schwalm/Bruce Chapman Collection
M4d 3426 Cyl. 21" x 28" Drv. 58" Press.
200 lbs. t.e. 36% Schnectady 30276 10/1904 M4d 3429 on a hot, humid summer's day at Ottawa West
in 1950. Schenectady 30281 10/1904 The engine had just arrived from the 'oil train', #95
from Ellwood, where there was a large tank farm which received oil M4d 3433 arriving at Ottawa West from Hull West with
the day Hull transfer, 1950 Schenectday 30285 10/1904 M4g 3473 on Ottawa West shop track looking north towards
Hull Quebec. 1950 MLW 42129 6/1907 M4g 3509 (Baldwin 30713 4/1907) at Ottawa West station,
1950, Another hot humid summer's day with the roundhouse windows open
to try to let the stifling heat out for the poor shop labourers working
in the steam and heat. It was near afternoon passenger time,and 3509
has just arrived off the Ellwood 'oil job' #95, and will head to the
shop for a rest, Initially I was going to crop this picture
to get rid of the kids on the station platform 3510 getting some attention to its bell! BLW 30714 4/1907 Ottawa West c.1952 3511 Ottawa engine C. 1952 Baldwin 30715 5/1907 M4g 3523 (Baldwin 31070 6/1907) on the arrival track
at Ottawa West, 1950. Here is 3523, arriving at Ottawa West on train #95,
the 'oil job' in 1950. M4g 3528 Cyl. 22 1/2" x 28" Drv. 58"
Press. 180 lbs. t.e. 37% Baldwin 31254 7/1907 5106 on the outbound shop track Ottawa West 1950 Addy Schwalm P1 5107 about to leave the shop track for train 94 early A.M. way freight
to Prescott. Extra 6876 North at Hurdman returning to Ottawa West May 4, 1946 Addy Schwalm/Bruce Chapman Collection 6876 last V2 class 0-8-0 on roster. Only V class built
by Canada Foundry in Toronto. This photograph of 6876 is I think its last run to Hurdman. 6876 made 2 trips to Ellwood to switch the oil farm that last month, but then he made one trip to Sussex Street, and this shot has him sitting at the eastbound semaphore at Hurdman ready to come back to Ottawa West. From what I can see, it was his last run out of Ottawa West as it was retired the following month....this is gleaned from that old register book found in the attic at Ellwood just before it was demolished. LBC Note: V1a class 6801 was retired 11/1946 and the very last V1 class 6809 was retired 2/1951 Gallery V Class 0-8-0 Last years of steam. 1958-59
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