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Continental Wood Products Corporation Elsas Brian Westhouse Continental Wood Products Corp. began its operations on the CNR west of Foleyet in 1923. Prior to this time CWPC had acquired its timber along the Nemegosenda and Chapleau Rivers upstream (south) of the CNR Oba. Sub. That timber formerly belonging to the Devon Lumber Co. was economically beyond the reach of the Devon mill on the CPR line east of Chapleau. The closest existing passing track on the CNR was Agate, about 3 miles west of the CWPC mill site on Kapuskasing Lake. Not having the opportunity to explore this remote area inaccessible by road, it is my understanding that the Continentals sawmill was located on Kapuskasing Lake and connected to the CNR by a spur track, almost a mile from the railway. At that location the CNR put in a siding and station, named for the New York president of Continental Wood Products, Herman Elsas. In December 1924 Continental Wood Products announced their plans to construct a kraft pulp mill connected to the CNR with a 2 mile railway spur. It is unknown what action was taken on this proposal. A dam was constructed on the Kapuskasing River, 2 miles north of the CNR at Elsas.
This engine was once owned by CWPC, an 0-4-0 Baldwin #16097 7/1898, it was purchased
from the CNR in February 1924. Formerly Grand Trunk engine 2557 (nee Canada Atlantic
5) was later acquired by railway and marine contractor Chambers, McQuigge &
McCaffrey, of Port Arthur. Shown c.1933 at Port Arthur. This unidentified 0-4-0T was lettered C.W.P.C CWPC ceased its operations at Elsas in 1929. The remaining timber berths were sold to the Spruce Falls Power & Paper Co. with its mills further down the Kapuskasing River on the CNR line between Cochrane and Hearst. The mills of the Continental Wood Products Corp. were removed and the railway spurs taken up, leaving only the lumbermen's houses and cottages, now a remote fishing lodge.
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