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Montreal Suburban Service

CPR operated Montreal commuter service from the 1890's including the Montreal-Rigaud line until September 30, 1982 following which a local government body was created, the Montreal Urban Community Transit Commission (MUCTC).
It later became the Societe de transport de la Communaute urbaine de Montreal (STCUM) which lasted until June 3, 1996 then becoming Agence Metropolitaine de Transport (AMT) continuing to date.

4069_4070_1432_RS-10 St.Luc July 21, 1974. Unidentified RS-10 is for the Cornwall job.

On Sundays, we’d deadhead 3 commuter units backwards for him to set off at Vaudreuil for the eastbound commuter trains on Monday morning. We had them lifted eastbound by #58 on Friday and St. Luc would use them locally until Sunday’s #55. And often the Friday units were scattered all over the place, and 3 different units would go out on Sunday. LBC

FP7A 1432 (ex 4041) with a long train at Rigaud 4/1973 GMD A245 10/1951
G.H.Landau/Joseph Testagrose Collection

4072 looking pretty shabby with consist of Canadian Vickers 168 seat gallery cars. Rigaud yard. 4/08/1977
G.H.Landau/Joseph Testagrose Collection

Note: Only 9 of these 1969 cars (including two cab control) were ever built.

4070 westbound with suburban train at Dorval. 7/1983 Clayton Langstaff Four photos. FP7A GMD A371 9/1952
A number of these units A units were downgraded from mainline service for Montreal commuter service.
Seven FP7A units 4040 and 4070-4075 were sold 10/1982 to MUCTC agency.
This one was "famous" for being AMRoad 4070 (along with 4067) in the 1976 movie Silver Streak.

4072 westbound same as above. Clayton Langstaff

Westbound freight coming through Dorval fast! Clayton Langstaff

J.P.Chartrand was the last operator at Dorval, Quebec.
A friend of the photographer, and many others, JP was well known and provided train lineups for railfans.

Extra 5648 West with plenty of horsepower! Clayton Langstaff

4072 GMD FP7A with gallery cars at Dorval QC September 1978 Randy Kotuby

4074 with 800 series suburban coaches overtakes a freight at Dorval. September 1978 Randy Kotuby

Here is that freight led by three-year old 5724 GMD SD40-2, 4558 MLW M636 and 42xx C424.
September 1978 Randy Kotuby

4075 with another train of suburban coaches. September 1978 Randy Kotuby

Proof that freight diesels could handle passenger trains when necessary.
Actually, rated at 1800 hp and 75 mph 8738 exceeded the 1500 hp and 65 mph of the covered wagons normally used.
These RS-18's were a very versatile unit with fast acceleration and were well liked. September 1978 Randy Kotuby

8764 with gallery cars. Montreal West 5/31/1974 John Hepp

Clothing and hair style often helps date photographs as seen here. May 31,1979. 4074 Montreal West.


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