East Broad Top Railroad and Coal Company
Famous for its 3 foot narrow gauge steam tourist railroad,
it acquired c. 1999 four Algoma Steel Corp. 36" narrow gauge diesels
of a unique design with articulated trucks having one traction motor
per truck, originally rated at 300 HP.
One unit has been put into service as their M-7, modified to FRA requirements
it is used for heavier yard switching
and some light passenger service. The other three (1, 4 and 5) were
resold 2002 as, is, to Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge RR which needed
diesels to replace steam that was restricted from operating due to a
serious fire hazard throughout
the state. ASC 1 (87 1/2 ton GE 39003 8/1975) was re# 2 (there already
was a number 1 acquired earlier). Found to be unsuitable for mainline
operaton due to very low speed gearing it was resold 5/2006 to Yosemite
Mountain Sugar Pine RR,
a new steam tourist railroad operating on a short (4 mile) segment of
the former West Side Lumber Company railroad
which had closed 6/1961.

Running Extra. 10/11/2008

EBT M-7 (ex ASC 6) 55-ton GE 35149 12/1964 Orbisonia,
PA Sept. 5/2002 Lance Myers

EBT M-7 modified with train brake and FRA handrailing.
At left is M-4 an old 12-ton Plymouth.
October 12/2002 Lance Myers