Guelph Radial Railway
(Formerly Guelph Railway)

Guelph Railway 2 Second of three cars built by CGE 1895.

Car 60, a rather large car for a small city. Seating
44. 25-tons. 45' 10" overall length.
One of two cars built in 1911 by nearby Preston Car & Coach.
The Guelph Radial Railway wasn't really a radial railway
at all. Not to be confused with the Toronto Suburban Railway's line
from West Toronto to Guelph which was sometimes referred to as Guelph
Radial it was actually just a street railway.
Incorporated in Ontario 1895 by local business interests as the
Guelph Railway, a street railway with a 20 year charter from
the City. Construction began in April 1895 using 56 lb. rail and operations
began September 17, 1895 over two lines totaling four and one half miles
to the CNR and CPR stations. Authority included a line to the Ontario
Agricultural College and Union cemetery in Guelph Township opened in
1902. Eventually five routes were operated.
May 1903 name changed to Guelph Radial Railway and authorized to build
to Hespeler and Berlin which would have made it a true radial railway.
Nothing was built. Late in 1903 purchased by the City at which time
it consisted of eight miles of track and 11 cars.
May 21, 1921 turned over to HEPC (Hydro Electric Power
Commission of Ontario).
September 30, 1937 last day of railway passenger operation following
which buses provided service. In 1939 the Guelph Transportation Commission
was created by the Province. This service has grown as has the city
itself and continues to date as Guelph Transit still owned by the City
of Guelph.
Freight continued until May 26, 1939.

The Canadian Engineer
January 12, 1912 a 160 hp 23 foot 27-ton locomotive
number 26 acquired
built by Baldwin and Canadian Westinghouse.
No number (or lettering). Orin P. Maus