Introduced: 1877
Number in Class: 10
As built by Avonside
As rebuilt by NZR
Locomotive Specifications L 2-4-0 T (Avonside)
Rebuilt NZR Hillside, Petone and Newmarket |
Engine Weight: 18.5 tons |
Tender Weight: | Total Weight: 18.5 tons | Adhesive Weight: 13.2 tons |
Length over Buffers: | Total Wheelbase: 12' 5" | Engine Wheelbase: 12' 5" | Coupled Wheelbase: 7' 0" |
Tender Wheelbase: | Driver Wheel Dia.: 36" | Cylinders HP: Two - 10½" x 18" |
Cylinders LP: |
Grate Area: 9.2 sq ft | Evaporative Area: 486 sq ft |
Superheated Area: | Working Pressure: 130 psig |
Tractive Effort: 4893 lbs f | Coal Capacity: 0.55 tons | Oil Capacity: | Water Capacity: 450 gals |
Locomotive Specifications L 4-4-0 T (NZR)
Engine Weight: 26.6 tons |
Tender Weight: | Total Weight: 26.6 tons | Adhesive Weight: 17.8 tons |
Length over Buffers: 26' 6" |
Total Wheelbase: 17' 2" | Engine Wheelbase: 17' 2" | Coupled Wheelbase: 7' 0" |
Tender Wheelbase: | Driver Wheel Dia.: 42¼" | Cylinders HP: Two - 12" x 18" |
Cylinders LP: |
Grate Area: 10.7 sq ft | Evaporative Area: 585 sq ft |
Superheated Area: | Working Pressure: 160 psig |
Tractive Effort: 7853 lbs f |
Coal Capacity: 0.9 tons | Oil Capacity: | Water Capacity: 650 gals |
Locomotive Specifications L 4-4-2 T (NZR)
Engine Weight: 31.5 tons |
Tender Weight: | Total Weight: 31.5 tons | Adhesive Weight: 17.0 tons |
Length over Buffers: | Total Wheelbase: 12' 5" | Engine Wheelbase: 12' 5" | Coupled Wheelbase: 7' 0" |
Tender Wheelbase: | Driver Wheel Dia.: 42½" | Cylinders HP: Two - 12" x 18" |
Cylinders LP: |
Grate Area: 10.6 sq ft | Evaporative Area: 587 sq ft |
Superheated Area: | Working Pressure: 160 psig |
Tractive Effort: 7800 lbs f |
Coal Capacity: 1.5 tons | Oil Capacity: | Water Capacity: 850 gals |
Remarks: This type of locomotive was an attempt to produce a passenger version of the versatile little 'F'.
All principle dimensions were identical to those of the 'F', but it lacked in adhesion. In 1893-94, three of the 'L' class 2-4-0 T locomotives had been rebuilt at the Newmarket workshops with a larger boiler and enlarged cylinders to a 4-4-0 side tank arrangement. This new design was classified 'La' but again the limited coal bunker became a liability. The answer was to provide a larger coal bunker and a trailing pony truck giving them a 4-4-2 T wheel arrangement, and a further four 'L' class were converted. Three were not rebuilt but sold to the PWD in 1901-1903. Three new 4-4-2 T locomotives were built in 1902-1903 and when the conversion program had been completed in 1903, the classification, for all ten locomotives, was changed back to 'L'. 5 x La class built Nasmyth Wilson in 1887 for NZ Midland Railway Co. were taken over by NZR in 1900.[45" drivers, 140 psi, 9.8 grate, 506 heating surface, 25.0 tons, 19.2 tons adhesive.6,450lbs TE. |
Shantytown, Greymouth - L 208, Avonside #1206/1877 Operating. Silver Stream Railway, Wellington - L 219, Avonside #1207/1877 Operating. |