Introduced: 1902
Number in Class: 1
Locomotive Specifications
Engine Weight: 45.4 tons |
Tender Weight: 26.0 tons |
Total Weight: 71.4 tons | Adhesive Weight: 33.9 tons |
Length over Buffers: 55' 7" |
Total Wheelbase: 47' 4" | Engine Wheelbase: 24' 2" | Coupled Wheelbase: 11' 9" |
Tender Wheelbase: 12' 6" |
Driver Wheel Dia.: 43" | Cylinders HP: Two - 11�" x 20" |
Cylinders LP: Two - 19" x 20" |
Grate Area: 25.0 sq ft | Evaporative Area: 1477 sq ft |
Superheated Area: | Working Pressure: 200 psig |
Tractive Effort: 16080 lbs f |
Coal Capacity: 4.0 tons | Oil Capacity: | Water Capacity: 1660 gals |
Remarks: At the time of introduction, this locomotive was the largest and most powerful engine in the country. A Vauclain compound, she was an enlarged and improved version of "Consolidation" N.16, and had a wide-firebox boiler and a trailing truck similar to that provided for the NZR 'Q' class Pacifics. No.17 had the distinction of being the only "Mikado" type to run in New Zealand. The big engine made easy work of handling 280 tons on the 1 in 56 ruling grade between Paekakariki and Wellington. When taken over by the NZR it was given Class 'Bc', number 463. Ex Wellington & Manawatu Railway Co. #17. |