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New York Chapter National Railway Historical Society

Welcome to the New York Chapter NRHS!

NRHS logo: NRHS letters with lines through them, plus circular logo with steam loco

The New York Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society meets monthly except for July and August. Our regular meeting date is the first Monday of each month, September through June.

NEXT MEETING MONDAY, March 3, 6:00 p.m.

This meeting will be held virtally via Zoom. There will not be an in-person meeting in Manhattan, to avoid weather problems in the winter. Entertainment will be by long-time Chapter member Kenneth Kulick, who will present a variety of rail images, including shots of the Reading Company (1967-69, mostly in the Philadelphia area; Southern Railway and Norfolk Southern, 1970-2006; Chesapeake & Ohio Railway, 1969-78; and, if time allows, the Pittsburgh light rail system in 1981.

Details to join the March 3 meeting at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom:

If you have installed the Zoom application on your computer or mobile device, you should be able to log in by clicking here.

If the above link does not work, use: Meeting ID 853 3031 9659, Password 703250

If you have trouble logging in to the Zoom meeting, you can call Gary Kazin at the phone number which is announced in the March issue of our chapter newsletter.

Our meetings are open to all; there is no admission charge.

This page last updated February 17, 2025.