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Welcome to the
North Raleigh Model Railroad Club

NC Welcome

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Table of Contents

TRAKing Ahead


 About NRMRC

 Club Bylaws [PDF]



 The Eastern N Lines Partnership™



 Junior Engineer Layout


 Standards & Recommended Practices

 Digital Command Control (DCC)


 NTRAK Modules

 T-TRAK Modules


 Area Train Shows

 Area Hobby Shops

 NC Museums & Railroads

 Other Model RR Clubs

Contact Us

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NTRAK Logo      WGH Logo     T-TRAK Logo

The Club
The North Raleigh Model Railroad Club (NRMRC) is the N Scale NTRAK and T-TRAK model railroad club in North Carolina's Research Triangle Park area, one of the best areas in the USA to live and work.

Founded in 1974, NRMRC members are dedicated to furthering the hobby of N-Scale model railroading through educational activities, community involvement and public displays. The Club models all railroads and welcomes new members, especially newcomers to the hobby. There is always plenty to do and learn, so come and join the fun. Check the Club's News and Information page for meetings and the next train show in this area.

To request an invitation to attend a meeting visit indicating what meeting you would like to attend. We will reply providing time, place with directions and the meeting agenda. To apply to join the club go to the Membership Application page.

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What is N Scale?

N Scale is a 1/160th scale replica of a prototype (real) train, building, person, automobile or anything else. An N Scale locomotive is 1/160th the length, 1/160th the height and 1/160th the width of the prototype locomotive, and every feature (horn, bell air tanks, etc.) is dimensionally proportional (as close as realistically possible) to the scale of 1:160. For reference, an N Scale 50' Box Car is approximately 3-3/4" in length and approximately 1 inch tall from the wheels to the roof. One N Scale mile is approximately 33 feet.

Originating in Europe, N Scale is today the second most popular modeling scale in North America (HO Scale is first) with about 22% of all modelers. A major advantage of N Scale is the small amount of space needed to build a railroad. It takes half the space required to build an equivalent HO layout. Conversely you can have twice as much layout in the equivalent HO space.

N Scale is sometimes referred to as "N Gauge". The term "gauge" when used correctly actually refers to the distance between the rails of the track. Prototype standard gauge is 4' 8-1/2". Track gauge in N Scale is 9mm. Hence the term "N" (Nine) Scale.

What is NTRAK?

NTRAK is an international grass roots association of model railroaders which has created a set of standards that anyone may use to build N Scale module, or layout section. These sections join together to form portable layouts of virtually any size; the record-breaking layout at Derby City Express in Louisville, KY in 2008 featured more than 700 modules. They also connect together with other folks who follow the NTRAK standard the world over — countries include Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland and many others. NTRAK modular layouts have the flexibility to fit into areas of different size and shape, from warehouses to bedrooms.

NTRAK layouts offer close up viewing, correctly proportioned scenery and maximum train action. NTRAK layouts allow long trains of 50, 60 or even 100 cars or more.

More information can be found at the web site of the NTRAK Modular Railroading Society, Inc. at and elsewhere on this site.

What is T-TRAK?

T-TRAK is a simple, easy to build system of small N scale modules that can be combined to create a portable N scale layout. T-TRAK originated in Japan as a method of creating a modular layout on hotel banquet tables, which are 30" x either 72" or 96". The basic module is 8-1/4" x 12-1/8", slightly narrower and slightly longer than a standard sheet of paper. Modules use Kato Unitrack, and are sized to use Unitrack rail joiners to lock the modules together. Modules are combined to create a layout on a table, or multiple tables.

As well as banquet tables T-TRAK layouts can be constructed in small spaces such as a kitchen table, or even a bookshelf. More and more NTRAK clubs are add T-TRAK layouts or varying size at train shows. Some are using T-TRAK layouts in place of normal NTRAK layouts in venues with limited size.

More information can be found on the T-TRAK web site at and elsewhere on this site.

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The North Raleigh Model Railroad Club is classified as a public foundation under Section 509(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Service Code, and is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code. Donors may fully deduct contributions to the NRMRC as provided in Section 170 of the IRS Code. A copy of our tax exempt status may be obtained by contacting Geoff Flegel, NRMRC President or Charles Eisener, NRMRC Treasurer.

Copyright © 1997–2025 North Raleigh Model Railroad Club. All rights reserved.

The NRMRC is a Not-For-Profit Corporation incorporated in North Carolina.

The various logos and heralds shown here are the property of their respective organizations.

Last updated: Saturday, March 6, 2025


North Raleigh Model Railroad Club
Webmaster: John Wallis

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